13 Cold Email Tips From 7-Figure Entrepreneur (+ Dos & Donts)
13 Cold Email Tips From 7-Figure Entrepreneur (+ Dos & Donts)
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Last updated:
August 6, 2024
Christian Bonnier
Christian Bonnier
Co-Founder at ListKit and Cold Email Expert | 1M+ cold emails sent $5M+ revenue generated through cold outreach. Live in Tampa, love hockey, and Author of One Connection Away.

Did you know that 8 out of 10 cold emails never get opened? Ouch. But what if we told you there's a way to beat those odds and turn those icy blasts into warm leads?

We're about to spill 13 battle-tested cold email tips straight from the trenches of 7-figure entrepreneurs. We're talking about the strategies that actually move the needle, not the same old recycled advice you've heard a million times.

  • Subject lines that scream, "Open me!"
  • Crafting a pitch that doesn't sound like a pitch
  • The follow-up game that seals the deal (and when to give up)
  • The biggest cold email blunders (and how to avoid them)

P.S., The best cold email tip is to remember that your message needs to go to the right person. If you're tired of manually finding and verifying emails, then save hours finding your ideal client using ListKit's b2b lead database of 500M+ contacts. We triple-verify your cold email leads, offer credit-based pricing, and have a Skool community of 3000+ members to ensure your cold emails turn into revenue.


TL;DR: Cold Email Cheat Sheet for Busy Bees

  • Craft the Perfect Offer: Forget jargon, focus on tangible benefits, throw in a guarantee for good measure, and quantify the value you bring to the table (e.g., "Increase your ROI by 20%").
  • Protect Your Domain: Use burner domains like disposable email addresses to keep your main domain safe from spam filters, and consider setting up a separate email address specifically for cold emailing.
  • Target Like a Pro: Ditch the guesswork and use ListKit to build a laser-focused, verified list of B2B leads, and target companies that are a good fit for your product or service based on firmographics and technographics.
  • Write Emails That Get Opened: Keep it short, personal, and valuable. Offer something upfront instead of just asking for their time, and personalize the subject line to pique their interest.
  • Choose the Right Tools: Smartlead for sending, Expandi for LinkedIn automation, and Hypefury for Twitter follow-ups. Experiment with different tools to find what works best for your outreach process.
  • Be Persistent (Not a Pest): Follow up consistently, but mix up your approach to stay fresh. Don't be afraid to get creative in your follow-up emails, and try sending them at different times and days of the week
  • Show Up Online: Build a solid online presence to establish credibility and trust. Create high-quality content that showcases your expertise, and be active on social media.
  • Put the Prospect First: Use the 2-to-1 rule (mention them twice as much as you mention yourself), and focus on their needs and challenges.
  • End with a Bang: Craft CTAs that offer value and make it easy for prospects to say yes. Make your CTAs clear, concise, and irresistible.
  • Track and Tweak: Use data to see what's working and what's not, then adjust your approach for better results. A/B test different subject lines, email copy, and CTAs to see what resonates most with your audience.
  • Personalize (Without Being Weird): Do your research and show genuine interest, but don't cross the line into stalker territory. Personalize your emails with details specific to the recipient and their company.
  • Be Prepared for Challenges: Cold email isn't always easy, but with the right tools, mindset, and a little perseverance, you can overcome any obstacle.

Tip #1: Craft an Irresistible Offer

Alright, let's dive into the meat and potatoes of cold email success: your offer. This is your hook, your bait, the reason someone's going to even think about hitting that reply button.

Here's the deal: your offer needs to be a no-brainer. It's gotta be so good that your prospects practically trip over themselves to say "yes."

How to make your offer a no-brainer

  1. Think tangible benefits: Forget about fancy acronyms and buzzwords. Focus on what your prospect actually cares about: sales, revenue, new clients, booked calls, etc. Paint a picture of the tangible results they'll get.
  2. Add a guarantee: This is where the magic happens. Slap a "guaranteed" or "your money back" on that offer, and watch those reply rates skyrocket. It's a risk reversal that makes your prospect think, "Hey, I've got nothing to lose!"


Instead of saying, "I can get you a 4X ROAS," try something like, "I'll book 10 qualified sales calls on your calendar each month, guaranteed. And if I don't deliver, you don't pay a dime."

See the difference? The first one is vague and confusing. The second one is crystal clear and packed with value.

Your offer is the foundation of your cold email success. Make it irresistible, and you'll be well on your way to booking more meetings and closing more deals.

Tip #2: Ditch Your Main Domain (and Get Burnin')

Here's a cold email truth bomb: You don't want to send your outreach emails from your main business domain. Why? Because if those emails get marked as spam (and let's be honest, sometimes they do), you're putting your entire company's email deliverability at risk. Ouch.

The solution? Burner domains.

Think of these as disposable email addresses for your business. You can send your cold emails from these domains without worrying about damaging your main one. If things go south, just ditch the burner and move on.

The other plus is that burner domains are how you can scale by sending 1000s of emails per day - since each email account lets you send hundreds daily.

How to set up burner domains

  1. Buy a bunch: Aim for 10 to start. This gives you plenty of wiggle room to experiment and scale. We recommend using a site like Porkbun.com because it makes buying and setting up bulk domains ridiculously easy. Here's a YouTube tutorial on how to use it to do your cold email account setup:
  1. Use slight variations of your domain name: You can use variations of your main domain (e.g., try[yourcompany].com, use[yourcompany].com) or come up with something completely different.
  2. Keep it simple: Setting up these domains is easier than you think. Many domain registrars offer bulk purchasing options, and there are tons of resources online to help you with the technical details.
Pro tip: Once you have your burner domains, use a cold email sending tool like Smartlead to manage your cold email campaigns. It's a powerful platform with top-notch deliverability, making it the perfect sidekick for your burner domain strategy.


Burner domains are your perfect tool for protecting your main domain and maximizing your cold email deliverability. It's like having a decoy for your emails, so you can go in for the win without risking it all.

Tip #3: Build a Targeted Prospect List (the Smart Way)

Okay, you've got your offer dialed in and your burner domains fired up. Now it's time to find the people who actually want what you're selling.

Forget about manually typing in names from Google โ€“ that's a recipe for carpal tunnel and wasted time. We're talking about building a laser-focused prospect list that'll get your emails in front of the right eyes.

How to build your prospect list

  1. Choose your weapon: A good B2B lead database is your best friend here. ListKit, for example, lets you filter by industry, location, company size, and more, so you can zero in on your ideal customers.
  2. Get specific: Don't just search for generic terms like "email marketing agency." Use keywords that your target audience would actually search for, like "social media marketing agency" or "B2B marketing agency."
  3. Keep it clean: Aim for 3 people max per company to avoid spamming the same organization. And make sure those emails are verified โ€“ there's nothing worse than a list full of bounces.
Pro tip: Once you've built your list, consider segmenting it further based on specific interests or pain points. This allows you to tailor your messaging and boost your chances of getting a response.


The ListKit walkthrough: Reverse-engineer your ICP

Not sure who your ideal customer is? No worries, ListKit has your back. You can actually reverse engineer your ideal customer profile (ICP) using our data visualization tool. Here's the lowdown:

ย ย ย ย 1. Start with a small sample: Gather a list of 5-10 companies that fit your target customer profile. These could be companies you've worked with in the past, ย ย ย ย competitors of your ideal clients, or companies you admire in your industry.

ListKit Company Search

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 2.Plug those companies into ListKit: Head over to ListKit and create a new search. Under the "Companies" filter, select "Include Companies" and paste it into your list ย ย ย ย ย of ย ย ย ย ย 
ย ย ย ย ย URLs.

ListKit Company Search

ย ย ย ย ย 3.Let the magic happen: ListKit will analyze your list and generate a data visualization dashboard. This dashboard will reveal key insights about your ideal customers, ย ย ย ย ย such as their industry, location, company size, and even job titles.

Lead data visualization

ย ย ย ย 4.Refine your search: Use the insights from the data visualization dashboard to fine-tune your search criteria. For example, if you notice that most of your ideal ย ย ย ย customers are in the software industry, you can add that as a filter.

Lead data visualization

ย ย ย ย 5.Get ready to find people: Once you've refined your search, you're ready to build your prospect list. ListKit will generate a list of verified contacts at companies that ย ย ย ย match your criteria.

Max people per company

Example: Targeting personal trainers

Let's say you want to target personal trainers who work in the fitness industry. You could start by searching for fitness companies in ListKit and then use the data visualization tool to identify specific job titles (e.g., "Personal Trainer," "Fitness Coach") and keywords (e.g., "group training," "strength equipment") that are relevant to your target audience.

Building a targeted prospect list is like having a treasure map to your ideal customers. It takes a bit of upfront work, but the payoff is huge. With the right tools and strategies, you can go from cold outreach to hot leads in no time.

Tip #4: Script Your Cold Emails Like a Pro (Templates Included)

You've got the right targets in your sights, but now comes the tricky part: crafting those cold emails. This isn't your grandma's email etiquette โ€“ we're talking about emails that grab attention, spark curiosity, and ultimately lead to booked calls.

Here's the deal: most cold emails suck. They're generic, boring, and sound like every other pitch out there. But don't worry, we've got you covered.

The cold email framework that works

  1. Subject line: This is your first (and maybe only) chance to make an impression. Keep it short, intriguing, and personalize it whenever possible.

Read next ๐Ÿ‘‰ 21 Killer Cold Email Subject Lines (91% Open Rates)

  1. Opening line: Skip the formalities and get straight to the point. Show you've done your research and connect with your prospect on a personal level.
  2. Value proposition: Clearly state what you're offering and why it matters to them. Focus on the benefits, not the features.
  3. Differentiator: What makes you stand out from the crowd? What can you offer that no one else can?
  4. Call to action: Don't leave them hanging. Tell them exactly what you want them to do (e.g., schedule a call, reply with a question, etc.).
Pro tip: Test different variations of your emails to see what resonates best with your audience. You can try different cold email subject lines, opening lines, or even calls to action.


Cold email templates to get you started

#1. Klaviyo Email Marketing Makeover

Subject: Quick question (about {company name}'s welcome flow)

Hey {prospect.first_name},

I was doing some shopping yesterday and subscribed to {company name}'s newsletter from the opt-in on your website.

As an email marketer, I couldn't help but notice a few things with your welcome flow that might be hurting your conversions.

I made a video breaking down the causes and how to fix them, mind if I send it over to you?

#2. SaaS SEO Link-Building Power-Up

Subject: Quick question (about {company_name}'s backlinks)

Hey {prospect.first_name},

As someone once in charge of marketing for a fast-growth SaaS company, I know what it's like to obsess over getting high-quality links.

We can help you get backlinks from SaaS and agency websites with a DR over 60 (according to Ahrefs).

Mind if I share a list of the sites we can get you backlinks on? Let me know and I'll send over a Google Sheet.

The bottom line

Cold emails don't have to be a shot in the dark. With a solid framework and some proven templates, you can turn those cold leads into hot conversations. And remember, practice makes perfect. The more you write, the better you'll get.

Tip #5: Nail Your Sending Software (and Avoid Rookie Mistakes)

Alright, your scripts are polished and your prospect list is primed. Now, it's time to unleash those emails into the wild. But hold your horses โ€“ choosing the right sending cold email software is crucial.

A good sending tool will not only make your life easier, but it'll also ensure your emails actually land in inboxes (instead of the spam folder).

Our recommendation: Smartlead

We're big fans of Smartlead.ai. It's got top-notch deliverability, it's easy to use, and it's packed with features that'll make your cold email campaigns sing.

How to set up your Smartlead campaign

  1. Upload your list: Simply import your CSV file from ListKit (or wherever you built your list).
  2. Copy and paste your scripts: Make sure to double-check those text replacements (i.e., first name, company name) to avoid embarrassing mistakes.
  3. Create your variants: If you're testing different versions of your emails, Smartlead makes it easy to set up A/B tests.
  4. Schedule your cold email campaign: Choose your start date and time, and let Smartlead do its thing.

Rookie mistakes to avoid

  • Skipping the warm-up: Don't just blast out hundreds of emails from a brand new domain. Start slow and gradually increase your sending volume to build trust with email providers. Smartlead has an auto warm-up feature that warms up your domains in bulk.
  • Ignoring deliverability: Keep an eye on your bounce rate and spam complaints. If they're too high, it could mean your emails are getting flagged.
  • Not tracking your results: Smartlead provides detailed analytics, so you can see what's working and what's not. Use this data to refine your campaigns and improve your results over time.

Choosing the right sending software is like having a reliable mail carrier for your cold emails. It ensures your messages get delivered, and it gives you the tools you need to optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

Tip #6: Perfect Your Inbox Management (Persistence Pays Off)

Your cold emails are actually getting responses. Now it's time to turn those replies into booked calls and, ultimately, closed deals.

But here's the kicker: inbox management is a skill in itself. It's not just about responding to emails; it's about selling the call.

How to handle cold email responses

  • Prioritize the call: Don't get sidetracked by endless email threads. Your goal is to get them on the phone, where you can build rapport and close the deal.


Prospect: "Sounds interesting. Can you tell me more about your pricing?"

Your response:

"Absolutely! I don't have pricing because there's no formal offer on the table. Need to learn a little more about you for that. Instead of going back and forth over email, how does tomorrow or Friday at 2 pm EST work for you?"

Notice how we're not giving away our pricing upfront. We're using it as leverage to get them on the phone.

Inbox management is where the rubber meets the road. It's where you turn prospects into customers. By prioritizing the call, providing value, and being persistent, you can dramatically increase your chances of closing the deal.

  • Provide value: If they ask for more info or case studies, give it to them โ€“ but don't forget to pitch a call in the same email.
  • Be persistent (but not annoying): Follow up every 3-5 days until you get a response. Use different angles, like offering a quick video or sharing a relevant article.

The follow-up formula that works

  1. Initial email response: Thank them for their interest and answer any questions they have.
  2. First follow-up (wait 3 days): Reiterate your value proposition and offer a specific time for a call.
  3. Second follow-up (wait 5 days): Share a relevant piece of content (e.g., blog post, video, case study) and ask for their feedback.
  4. Third follow-up (wait 7 days): Mention a pain point they've shared and how you can help them solve it.
  5. Final follow-up (21 days): Be honest and let them know you're moving on, but leave the door open for future conversations.

Pro tip: Use a tool like Expandi to automate your LinkedIn outreach and follow-up emails. It's a great way to supplement your email efforts and reach prospects on multiple channels.

Tip #7: Follow Up Relentlessly (Without Being a Pest)

Let's be real: most prospects won't bite after the first email. Or the second. That's where the follow-up game comes in.

Think of it like this: you're not being annoying, you're being persistent. You're showing you're genuinely interested in helping them, not just blasting out emails and hoping for the best.

The follow-up sweet spot

  • Frequency: Aim for 3-5 days between follow-ups. Too soon, and you'll seem pushy. Too late, and they'll forget about you.
  • Variety: Don't just send the same email over and over. Try different angles, like offering a quick video, sharing a relevant article, or mentioning a pain point they've shared.
  • Persistence: Keep following up until you get a clear "yes" or "no." Sometimes it takes 5, 6, or even 7 follow-ups to get a response.

The follow-up formula (that actually works)

  1. First follow-up: Gently nudge them and reiterate your offer.
  2. Second follow-up: Provide additional value, like a case study or a relevant tip.
  3. Third follow-up: Get a little more personal. Reference something from their website or LinkedIn profile.
  4. Fourth follow-up: Try a different channel, like LinkedIn or Twitter.
  5. Final follow-up: This is your last-ditch effort. Let them know you're moving on, but leave the door open for future conversations.


Subject: Following up on [Original Subject Line]


Hi [First Name],

Just wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to review my previous email about [Your Offer]. I know you're busy, but I genuinely believe I can help you [Tangible Benefit].

If you'd like to chat more, I'm available for a quick call [Your Availability].

Thanks, [Your Name]

The follow-up is where many deals are won (or lost). By being persistent and providing value, you can turn those "maybes" into "yeses."

And hey, if you're struggling to keep track of all your follow-ups, Hypefury can be a lifesaver. It's a Twitter automation tool that can help you schedule and automate your follow-ups, so you never miss an opportunity to connect.


Tip #8: Keep It Snappy โ€“ People Are Busy

You've got about 3-5 seconds to capture your prospect's attention before they hit delete. So make those seconds count.

Don't waste time with long-winded introductions or fluffy language. Get straight to the point and make it clear why they should care.

Your entire offer should be digestible in those precious few seconds. They should be able to understand what you're offering and why it's valuable without having to think twice.

The 3-5 second rule in action

Imagine you're sending a cold email about a commission-only cold emailing specialist:

โŒ Bad: "Hi [Name], I hope this email finds you well. I'm reaching out to you today to introduce our innovative new service that could revolutionize the way you approach lead generation..."

โœ… Good: "Curious? Would you be interested in having us place a commission-only cold email specialist in your business? They can book qualified calls for you, and you only pay for results."

The second example is clear, concise, and gets straight to the point. The prospect can immediately understand the value proposition and decide if they want to learn more.

Time is money, especially for busy professionals. Respect their time by keeping your cold emails short, sweet, and to the point. The faster you can get to the heart of your offer, the more likely you are to get a response.

Tip #9: Don't Be a Ghost Online

Your prospect is now on a mission to find out who you are and if you're legit. If they come up empty-handed, chances are they'll ghost you faster than a bad Tinder date.

Build your online presence

Think of it like this: your online presence is your digital storefront. It's where prospects go to window shop and decide if they want to step inside.

Here's how to make sure your storefront is open for business:

  1. Create a video sales letter (VSL): Put a 10-20 minute video front and center on your website that explains your offer in detail.
  2. Showcase case studies and testimonials: Let your happy customers do the talking. Include videos, screenshots, and any other proof that you deliver results.
  3. Optimize your LinkedIn profile: Make sure your profile picture, experience, and skills are up-to-date and relevant to your target audience.
  4. Get active on social media: Share valuable content, engage with your audience, and build a community around your brand.
Pro tip: If you're really ambitious, start creating video content on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok. It's a great way to showcase your personality and build trust with potential customers.


Don't be a stranger. Make it easy for prospects to find you and learn more about your offer. By building a strong online presence, you'll establish credibility and increase the chances of turning those cold leads into warm conversations.

Tip #10: Don't Forget the 2-to-1 Rule

Here's a cold email secret that's so simple, it's almost embarrassing: focus on the prospect, not yourself.

It's easy to fall into the trap of talking about your accomplishments, your experience, your amazing company. But guess what? Your prospect doesn't care.

They want to know what you can do for them. So make sure your email is all about them, not you.

The 2-to-1 rule

A good rule of thumb is the 2-to-1 rule: mention the prospect twice as much as you reference yourself.

For example, instead of saying, "I can help you generate more money from your email list," try something like, "You could be generating more money from your email list. Would you be open to a call to discuss how?"

The first example is focused on you. The second example is focused on the prospect and their potential gain.

By focusing your messaging on the prospect and their needs, you'll show them that you're genuinely interested in helping them achieve their goals. And that's a message that's much more likely to get a response.

Tip #10: Craft Compelling CTAs (That Give, Not Just Ask)

Ever noticed how most cold emails end with a whimper, not a bang? "Let me know if you're interested" or "Are you open to a quick chat?" โ€“ these calls to action (CTAs) are about as exciting as watching paint dry.

Here's a better approach: instead of just asking for something, offer something of value in your CTA. Give your prospect a reason to say "yes" beyond just being polite.

CTAs that pack a punch

  • Offer a freebie: "Mind if I share some campaign strategies I came up with for you based on your website?"
  • Share a relevant resource: "I put together a quick video explaining how I can [solve their problem]. Want me to send it over?"
  • Ask a thought-provoking question: "What's your biggest challenge with [their pain point]? I might have a solution."

By offering something of value in your CTA, you're not just asking for their time, you're giving them a reason to be excited about the conversation.


โŒ Weak CTA: "Let me know if you'd like to schedule a call."

โœ… Strong CTA: "I'd love to share a few campaign ideas I have for [their company]. How does tomorrow at 2 p.m. work for a quick chat?"

The strong CTA offers value (campaign ideas) and proposes a specific time, making it easier for the prospect to say "yes."

Your CTA is your final opportunity to make a lasting impression. Make it count by offering something of value and giving your prospect a reason to be excited about taking the next step.

Tip #11: Track Your Results and Adapt (The Numbers Don't Lie)

Cold email isn't a "set it and forget it" strategy. It's a constant experiment. You need to track your results, analyze what's working (and what's not), and adapt your approach accordingly.

The cold email metrics that matter

  • Open rate: How many people are actually opening your emails? A low open rate could mean your subject lines need some work.
  • Reply rate: How many people are responding to your emails? If your reply rate is low, it could be time to tweak your messaging or offer.
  • Bounce rate: How many emails are bouncing back? A high bounce rate could indicate a problem with your email list or sending software.

How to use data to improve your campaigns

  1. A/B test everything: Try different subject lines, email copy, CTAs, and sending times to see what performs best.
  2. Segment your list: Tailor your messaging to specific segments of your audience for better results.
  3. Track your progress: Use a tool like Smartlead to track your metrics and see how your campaigns are performing over time.
Pro tip: Don't be afraid to experiment. Cold email is all about finding what works for you and your audience. The more you test, the better your results will be.


The bottom line?

Cold email is a data-driven game. By tracking your results and using that data to inform your decisions, you can continuously improve your campaigns and achieve your outreach goals.

If you're looking for a way to track your cold email metrics and get actionable insights, check out Smartlead. It's the perfect tool for data-driven marketers who want to take their cold email game to the next level.

Tip #12: Personalize (But Don't Be Creepy)

Let's be honest, nobody likes getting a generic, cookie-cutter email. It's like getting a birthday card with just your name scrawled on it. No effort, no heart, no thanks.

But here's the thing: personalization can be a double-edged sword. Go too far, and you risk creeping out your prospect. So, how do you find that sweet spot?

Personalization done right

  • Research: Before you hit send, take a few minutes to stalk your prospect online. Check out their LinkedIn profile, their company website, and any recent news articles or blog posts they've written.
  • Reference something specific: Mention a recent accomplishment, a shared connection, or something you genuinely admire about their work.
  • Keep it relevant: Don't just throw in random details for the sake of personalization. Make sure it's something that actually adds value to your email.


โŒ Creepy: "Hey [First Name], I noticed you're a fan of the [Sports Team]. I'm also a huge fan! Anyway, I wanted to reach out to you about..."

โœ… Good: "Hey [First Name], I was really impressed with your recent blog post about [Topic]. I especially loved your point about [Specific Point]. It got me thinking about how I could help you [Your Offer]."

The second example shows you've actually taken the time to read their work and understand their perspective. It's a much more genuine and engaging way to start a conversation.

If you're looking for a way to personalize your cold email outreach at scale, ListKit can help. Our triple-verified B2B lead database provides valuable insights into your prospects, so you can tailor your messaging and make a real connection.

Tip #13: Get Ready for Some Roadblocks (and How to Overcome Them)

Let's be real: cold email isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Even with the best strategies and tools, you're bound to hit some roadblocks along the way.

But don't let that discourage you. Every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Common cold email challenges (and how to tackle them)

  • Domain setup: If you're struggling with the technical aspects of setting up burner domains, consider outsourcing it to a professional. It's a small investment that can save you a lot of headaches.
  • Building an accurate prospect list: Use a reputable B2B lead database like ListKit to ensure your list is filled with high-quality, verified leads.
  • Writing effective scripts: If writing isn't your strong suit, consider hiring a copywriter or using a template as a starting point. And remember, practice makes perfect.
  • Booking calls: Objections are a natural part of the sales process. Prepare for common objections (e.g., "I'm not interested," "I'm too busy") and have responses ready.
  • Staying motivated: Cold email can be a grind. Set realistic goals, track your progress, and celebrate your wins along the way.

Cold email is a journey, not a destination. There will be ups and downs, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can overcome any challenge that comes your way.

If you're looking for a helping hand, consider joining a coaching program like Client Ascension. They can provide the guidance, support, and accountability you need to achieve your cold email goals.


How to Write a Cold Email in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ready to craft cold emails that don't suck? We're breaking down the entire process, from brainstorming your irresistible offer to hitting that send button.

Step 1: Define your irresistible offer

Your offer is the beating heart of your cold email. It's the reason someone opens your email, reads it, and (hopefully) takes action.

  • Keep it concise: Aim for less than 50 words. Your prospect should be able to understand your offer in 3-5 seconds.
  • Focus on benefits: Tell them what's in it for them. What problem are you solving? What results can they expect?
  • Make it a no-brainer: Offer a guarantee, a unique value proposition, or something so compelling they can't resist.


Instead of saying, "I'm a marketing expert with 10 years of experience," try something like, "I can help you double your website traffic in 30 days, guaranteed."

Step 2: Craft a compelling subject line

Your subject line is your first (and maybe only) chance to make a good impression. It needs to be intriguing enough to make them open your email, but not so clickbaity that it feels spammy and end up in spam folders.

  • Keep it short and sweet: Aim for 6-8 words or less.
  • Personalize it: Use the prospect's name or company name whenever possible.
  • Create curiosity: Ask a question, make a bold statement, or hint at the value you're offering.


Instead of saying, "Free marketing consultation," try something like, "A quick question about [Prospect's Company Name]'s website..."

Step 3: Write a personalized opening line

Skip the generic greetings and get straight to the point. Show you've done your research and connect with the prospect on a personal level.

  • Mention a common interest: If you have a shared connection or interest, use it to break the ice.
  • Reference their work: Compliment them on a recent accomplishment or blog post.
  • Ask a thought-provoking question: Spark their curiosity and make them want to read more.


Instead of saying, "I hope this email finds you well," try something like, "I loved your recent LinkedIn post about [Topic]. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on [Related Question]."

Step 4: Deliver your value proposition (with panache)

Now that you've got their attention, it's time to reel them in with your value proposition. This is where you clearly state what you're offering and why it matters to them.

  • Lead with benefits: Don't just list features; tell them how your product or service will solve their problems and make their lives easier.
  • Quantify your results: Use numbers and data to show the impact you can have.
  • Keep it concise: You don't need to give away the whole farm here. Just give them enough to pique their interest and make them want to learn more.


Instead of saying, "We offer a wide range of marketing services," try something like, "We've helped companies like yours increase website traffic by 200% and generate 50% more leads."

Step 5: Differentiate yourself from the competition

Let's face it, you're not the only one vying for your prospect's attention. So, what makes you different? Why should they choose you over everyone else?

  • Highlight your unique selling proposition (USP): What do you offer that no one else can?
  • Address their pain points: Show them you understand their challenges and have the solution.
  • Back up your claims with proof: Use case studies, testimonials, or data to demonstrate your expertise.


Instead of saying, "We're the best marketing agency in town," try something like, "Unlike other agencies, we focus on long-term growth strategies that deliver sustainable results."

Step 6: Include a killer all to Action (CTA)

Your CTA is the final piece of the puzzle. It's the bridge that takes your prospect from reading your email to taking the next step.

  • Be specific: Don't just say, "Let me know if you're interested." Tell them exactly what you want them to do (e.g., schedule a call, visit your website, etc.).
  • Make it easy: Provide a clear link or instructions on how to take action.
  • Offer value: Consider offering a free consultation, a demo, or a relevant resource as an incentive.


Instead of saying, "Are you interested in learning more?" try something like, "I'd love to show you how we can [solve their problem]. Would you be open to a quick 15-minute call on [Date] at [Time]?"

Step 7: A/B test your emails (and let the data decide)

Don't just fire off your emails and hope for the best. Treat your cold email campaigns like a science experiment. Test different variations, analyze the results, and let the data guide your decisions.

  • Test everything: Subject lines, opening lines, body copy, CTAs โ€“ nothing is off-limits.
  • Start small: Begin by testing two versions of your email and see which one performs better.
  • Scale up: Once you've found a winning combination, keep testing and tweaking to optimize your results.


Let's say you're testing two different subject lines:

  • Subject line A: Quick question (and a potential game-changer for [Company Name])
  • Subject line B: 15 Qualified Calls Per Month, Guaranteed

Send each subject line to a small segment of your list and see which one gets a higher open rate. Then, use the winning subject line for the rest of your campaign.

Step 8: Send your emails (and track your results)

Now it's time for the moment of truth: hitting that send button. But don't just send and forget. Track your results closely so you can see what's working and what's not.

  • Use a reliable sending tool: Smartlead is our go-to cold email strategy for its deliverability and analytics features.
  • Monitor your metrics: Keep an eye on your open rate, reply rate, and bounce rate.
  • Adjust as needed: If your results aren't where you want them to be, don't be afraid to make changes to your emails or targeting.

Pro Tip: Use Smartlead's analytics to identify patterns and trends in your data. This will help you make informed decisions about how to improve your campaigns over time.

Step 9: Iterate and optimize (the key to cold email success)

Cold email is an ongoing process of testing, learning, and improving. There's always room for optimization, so don't get complacent.

  • Analyze your results: What's working? What's not? What can you learn from your data?
  • Experiment with new approaches: Try different email formats, value propositions, or CTAs.
  • Stay up-to-date with best practices: The world of cold email is constantly evolving. Keep learning and adapting to stay ahead of the curve.


Let's say your open rate is high, but your reply rate is low. This could mean your subject lines are doing their job, but your email copy isn't resonating with your audience. Experiment with different messaging or value propositions to see if you can get more replies.

The key to cold email success is to treat it like an ongoing experiment. By constantly testing, learning, and adapting, you can refine your approach and achieve your outreach goals.


Dissecting Successful Cold Email Scripts

Let's get down to brass tacks and analyze a couple of cold email scripts that really deliver. We'll break down why they work, highlighting the best practices they embody and how they tie back to the tips and do's/don'ts we covered earlier.

Script 1: Facebook Ads audit for e-commerce

Subject: Quick question

Hey {{firstName}},

I was targeted by one of {{companyName}}'s ads on Instagram the other day and noticed a few things that may be hurting your conversion rate.

I recorded a quick video breaking down the causes and how to fix them, mind if I share it with you here?

Why this script works:

  • Personalized and specific: It references a specific ad the prospect is running, showing you've done your research (Tip #1).
  • Focus on pain points: It addresses a potential problem (low conversion rate) and offers a solution (a video audit).
  • Provides value upfront: Instead of asking for something, it offers something valuable (a free video audit).
  • Clear call to action: The CTA is simple and straightforward, making it easy for the prospect to respond.

How it ties back to our tips:

  • Do your homework: The email shows you've researched the prospect's ads.
  • Ditch the sales pitch: It focuses on providing value and helping the prospect solve a problem.
  • Get creative: The approach is unique and unexpected, making it more likely to stand out.

Script 2: TikTok content creation for coaches

Subject: Quick question

Hey {{first_name}},

As a coach, I'm sure you're looking to grow your brand on social media.

Curious, are you looking for someone to create TikTok content featuring {{company_name}}'s products?

I had a TikTok content strategy in mind for you - let me know if you're open to a 14-minute call so I can share it with you.

Why this script works:

  • Short and sweet: The email gets straight to the point and doesn't waste the prospect's time.
  • Personalized and relevant: It addresses the prospect's specific need (growing their brand on TikTok).
  • Clear value proposition: It offers a solution (TikTok content creation) and highlights the potential benefits (increased brand awareness and lead generation).
  • A strong call to action: It invites the prospect to a short call to discuss a tailored strategy.

How it ties back to our tips:

  • Keep it snappy: The email follows the 3-5 second rule and gets to the point quickly (Tip #9).
  • Focus on the prospect: The messaging is all about the prospect's needs and goals, not the sender's accomplishments (Tip #10).
  • Offer value in your CTA: The call to action offers a valuable discussion about a personalized strategy.

These scripts demonstrate the power of personalization, value-driven messaging, and a clear call to action. By following these best practices and incorporating our shared tips, you can craft cold emails that get noticed, get responses, and get results.

Cold Email Dos and Don'ts: What the Pros Know

You've got the building blocks of a killer cold email, but let's take it to the next level. Here are some insider tips on what to do (and what not to do) to make your cold outreach shine.

The Dos:

  • Do your homework: Before you even think about hitting send, research your prospect like a detective. Check out their LinkedIn, website, recent news โ€“ anything that gives you a clue about their needs and interests. This isn't just about personalization; it's about showing you've put in the effort.
  • Ditch the sales pitch: People can smell a sales pitch a mile away. Instead, focus on building a genuine connection and offering value. Share a relevant article, a helpful tip, or a unique insight that shows you understand their challenges.
  • Get creative: Don't be afraid to think outside the box. A clever subject line, a personalized anecdote, or a touch of humor can go a long way in making your email stand out. Just remember to keep it professional and relevant to your audience.
  • Find a real person: Ditch the "info@" emails and hunt down the decision-makers. Tools like ListKit can help you find the right contacts and their verified emails, so your message lands in the hands that matter.
  • Deliver value over time: Build a relationship with your prospects by consistently providing value. Share helpful tips, relevant content, or even a free consultation.
  • Tailor your pitch: Nobody likes a generic email blast. Show your prospects you've done your research by tailoring your message to their specific needs and pain points. Use their company name, reference their website, or mention something relevant to their industry.
  • Send personalized emails from an individual: Nobody wants to receive an email from "[email address removed]." Use your name and title to make it clear you're a real person who's genuinely interested in connecting.
  • Identify a strong subject line: Your subject line is the gateway to your email. Make it catchy, relevant, and personalized to increase your open rates.
  • Imagine you're being introduced at a party: Approach your cold emails with the same warmth and authenticity as you would a real-life conversation.

The Don'ts:

  • Don't be robotic and sterile: Nobody wants to read a boring, impersonal email. Inject some personality into your writing and let your company's unique voice shine through.
  • Don't be formulaic, grandiose, or hyperbolic: Over-the-top claims and generic templates are a one-way ticket to the trash folder. Keep it real, keep it relevant, and avoid empty promises.
  • Don't blast a generic message: Take the time to tailor your message to each recipient. Show them you've done your research and understand their specific needs and challenges.
  • Don't use a 'canned' template: Personalized emails get results. Ditch the generic templates and craft a message that speaks directly to your prospect. Show them you've taken the time to understand their unique needs and challenges.
  • Don't come in cold with an ask: Remember, you're a stranger. Start by offering value โ€“ a free consultation, a helpful resource, or a unique insight. Earn their trust before you ask for their time or money.
  • Don't be threatening or ugly: Nobody likes a bully. Keep your tone professional and respectful, even if you don't get a response right away. Remember, you're building relationships, not burning bridges.
  • Don't be silly, cute, or fluffy: Leave the jokes and emojis for your friends. Keep your cold emails professional, concise, and focused on delivering value.
  • Don't be pushy or fail to provide significant value: Don't demand their time or attention. Earn it by offering something of genuine value, like a free consultation, a relevant case study, or educational content.
  • Don't forget the follow-up: If at first you don't succeed, try again (and again, and again). Following up is key to cold email success, but don't overdo it. Space out your follow-ups and try different approaches to keep things fresh.

Ready to Warm Up Your Cold Emails?

Remember, it's not about being pushy or sleazy. It's about building genuine connections and offering real value.

  • Craft irresistible offers that make your prospects drool.
  • Ditch your main domain and get burnin' with those burner domains.
  • Build a targeted prospect list that hits the bullseye.
  • Script your cold emails like a pro.
  • Nail your sending software and avoid rookie mistakes.
  • Master the art of inbox management and follow up like a champ.
  • Don't be a ghost online โ€“ build your presence and credibility.
  • Personalize your emails (but don't be creepy).
  • Track your results, adapt, and optimize like a data ninja.

Speaking of nailing your prospect list, ListKit is a perfect tool. Our triple-verified B2B lead database takes the guesswork out of prospecting. We'll help you find the right people, so you can focus on writing killer emails that get results. Ready to ditch the cold shoulder and warm up your inbox? Give ListKit a try.


How do you start writing cold emails that are actually catchy?

A catchy cold email is like a good pickup line โ€“ it grabs attention, sparks curiosity, and makes the recipient want to learn more. Here's how to write cold emails:

  • Craft a killer subject line: Think of it as your email's headline. It should be short, intriguing, and personalized whenever possible.
  • Ditch the formalities: Skip the generic greetings and get straight to the point. Show you've done your research and connect with the prospect on a personal level.
  • Focus on benefits: Tell them what's in it for them. What problem are you solving? What results can they expect?
  • Offer value upfront: Don't just ask for their time. Give them something valuable, like a free resource or a personalized insight.
  • End with a clear call to action: Tell them exactly what you want them to do (e.g., schedule a call, reply with a question, etc.).

What are the rules for cold emails?

While there are no hard and fast rules, here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Keep it short and sweet: Aim for less than 150 words. Nobody wants to read a novel in their inbox.
  • Personalize it: Use the prospect's name, company name, or any other relevant details to show you've done your research.
  • Focus on the recipient: Talk about their needs and pain points, not your accomplishments.
  • Offer value: Don't just pitch your product or service. Give them something of value, like a helpful tip or a free consultation.
  • Follow up: Don't give up after one email. Follow up (but don't be a pest) until you get a response.

What is the ideal cold email?

The "ideal" cold email will vary depending on your audience and goals. But here are some general characteristics:

  • Personalized: It's tailored to the specific recipient and their needs.
  • Relevant: It addresses a pain point or challenge the recipient is facing.
  • Concise: It gets to the point quickly and doesn't waste the recipient's time.
  • Value-driven: It offers something of value, whether it's a free resource, a unique insight, or a solution to a problem.
  • Clear call to action: It tells the recipient exactly what to do next. Don't ignore the importance of a professional email signature.

What is an icebreaker for a cold email?

An ice breaker is a way to start a conversation and build rapport with your prospect. Here are a few ideas for cold emailing or cold calling:

  • Mention a common connection: If you know someone in common, use it as an introduction.
  • Reference their work: Compliment them on a recent accomplishment or blog post.
  • Share a relevant article or resource: Show them you're on top of industry trends and are genuinely interested in helping them.
  • Ask a thought-provoking question: Spark their curiosity and get them thinking about their challenges.


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