(2024) The Absolute Best Times to Send Cold Emails
(2024) The Absolute Best Times to Send Cold Emails
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Last updated:
July 23, 2024
Christian Bonnier
Christian Bonnier
Co-Founder at ListKit and Cold Email Expert | 1M+ cold emails sent $5M+ revenue generated through cold outreach. Live in Tampa, love hockey, and Author of One Connection Away.

The Absolute Best Times to Send Cold Emails (2024)

Ever feel like your cold emails vanish into the digital abyss? You're not alone. The average cold email open rate hovers around 21.33%, according to Mailchimp. Timing is the secret sauce that separates opened emails from ignored ones.

We're going to talk about the absolute best times to send your cold emails in 2024. We'll cover everything from the science behind timing to the tools that make it a breeze. You'll learn:

  • The surprising factors that influence the best send times
  • Optimal days and hours to maximize your open rates
  • How to fine-tune your strategy for maximum impact

P.S. Sending cold emails at the β€œbest times” won’t lead to a sale if you’re reaching out to the wrong prospect. ListKit arms you with triple-verified emails and phone numbers of your ideal client profile so you can ensure your next cold email hits the right target. We'll help you build your first list.



  • Timing is Key: Sending your cold emails at the right time can drastically improve open and reply rates. It's like delivering a pizza when your prospect is hungry, not when they're already stuffed.
  • Factor in Everything: The ideal send time isn't one-size-fits-all. It depends on your industry, job roles, time zones, company size, seasonality, and even current events.
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays Reign Supreme: Research shows that these days often yield the best results. Mondays and Wednesdays are good alternatives, while Fridays are generally a no-go.
  • Mornings and Early Afternoons Shine: Aim for the early bird special (8 am - 11 am) or the post-lunch lull (1 pm - 4 pm) to maximize your email's visibility.
  • Real-World Proof: Successful cold email campaigns prove the power of timing. Tailor your strategy based on your audience and industry.
  • Tools to the Rescue: Don't waste time manually tracking send times. Use tools like ListKit and Smartlead to automate and optimize your outreach.
  • Measure and Improve: Track your email metrics (opens, clicks, replies) and adjust your timing strategy accordingly. It's an ongoing process of learning and refining.
  • Personalize Like a Pro: Craft tailored messages that resonate with your prospects. Use their name, mention their company, and address their specific pain points.
  • Don't Forget the Follow-Up: Persistence is key. Use a strategic follow-up sequence to stay top of mind and nurture leads over time.
  • Avoid the Timing Pitfalls: Don't send emails on weekends, during lunch breaks, late at night, or during major holidays.

Why Timing Matters

Imagine walking into a crowded room, ready to pitch your groundbreaking idea. Do you:

  • A) Burst in during a heated debate, interrupting everyone?
  • B) Wait for a lull in the conversation, when everyone's ears are perked up?

Cold emails are kinda like that. Timing can mean the difference between a warm reception and a faceplant.

The science behind the inbox

Think of your prospect's inbox as their personal space. They're busy people, juggling work, family, and probably trying to remember where they left their keys (we've all been there). If your email lands at the wrong time, it gets lost in the shuffle. But nail the timing, and you've got their undivided attention.

It's not just about open rates...

Sure, timing can boost your open rates, but it goes deeper than that. A well-timed email shows you respect your prospect's time and understand their needs. It sets the stage for a meaningful conversation, not just another spammy sales pitch caught up in the spam filters.

Real-world proof

Don't just take our word for it. A study by CoSchedule found that marketing emails sent at 6 am have the highest open rates. Why? Because they hit the inbox when people are checking their phones before the workday chaos begins.

Best time to send emails

Another study by GetResponse found that Tuesday is the best day to send cold emails. Mondays are swamped with catching up, and by Friday, everyone's checked out.

So, how can you use this intel to your advantage?

Factors Influencing the Best Time

Just like your morning coffee order, the optimal time to send a cold email isn't universal. It depends on a few key factors:

The best times to send a cold email will vary by industry

Different industries have different vibes, and that includes email habits. A tech startup might be buzzing with emails at all hours, while a law firm might have a more traditional 9-to-5 flow.

  • Finance and Tech: Early mornings or late afternoons often work best, as these folks tend to be early birds or night owls.
  • Retail and Hospitality: Consider sending during off-peak hours when they're less likely to be swamped with customers.
  • Healthcare: Mid-morning or early afternoon might be ideal, avoiding busy clinic hours and shift changes.

Job Roles: Are you talking to the CEO or the intern?

Higher-ups like CEOs and VPs are notorious for having jam-packed schedules. They might only check emails in quick bursts or have assistants filter their inboxes. Mid-level managers and individual contributors might be more accessible, but they still have their own rhythms.

Imagine trying to pitch a new software to a busy CEO at 4:59 pm on a Friday. Not gonna happen. But that same email sent at 10 am on a Tuesday? Now you're talking.

Geographical time zones

Sending a cold email at 2 am your time might seem clever, but if it lands in your prospect's inbox at 4 pm their time, it's likely to get buried.

  • Pro tip: Use a tool like Smartlead to schedule your emails based on your recipient's time zone. It's like having a personal assistant who never sleeps (and doesn't demand coffee).

Company size and culture: Small fish, big pond?

Larger companies often have more structured communication channels, making it harder for your cold email to stand out. Smaller companies might be more open to direct cold email outreach, but they might also have fewer resources to evaluate your offer.

  • Small companies: Try sending emails earlier in the week when they're setting their priorities.
  • Large companies: Late mornings or early afternoons could be better, as employees may have more flexibility in their schedules.

Seasonality and holidays: Tis the season to be jolly (or not)

Sending a cold email on a major holiday is a big no-no. But even less obvious times like summer Fridays or the weeks before major industry events can impact open rates. Keep an eye on your calendar and adjust your timing accordingly.

Current events and news

Sometimes, a major news event can create an opportunity to tie your product or service into the conversation. But be careful not to appear opportunistic or insensitive.

Knowing the best days to send cold emails is only half the battle. Next, we'll discuss the optimal hours.

The Best Days to Send Cold Emails

Now that we've got a handle on the when factors, let's talk about the best days to send your cold emails. Just like picking the right bait for fishing, choosing the right day can significantly impact your catch (of leads, that is).

Research findings on best days

Don't worry. We're not just throwing darts at a calendar. Several studies have explored the best days for cold email success. According to Sopro, the best time to send a cold email is Thursday at 11 AM. While this might not be the magic formula for every industry, it gives us a good starting point.

Tuesday and Thursday

Tuesdays and Thursdays are generally considered the sweet spots for cold emails. Why? Because they strike the perfect balance.

  • Not too early: People have tackled their Monday morning backlog and are in the work groove.
  • Not too late: They're not yet in weekend mode, with their minds already on happy hour.

Think of it like this: you're more likely to get a response if you email someone when they're focused and engaged, not when they're mentally checking out.

Monday and Wednesday

Mondays and Wednesdays aren't slouches, either. While they might not be quite as effective as Tuesday and Thursday, they still offer good opportunities for outreach. If you're sending emails throughout the week, definitely include these days in your rotation.


Fridays are often seen as the least effective day for cold emailing. People are wrapping up their workweek and mentally preparing for the weekend. But hey, there are always exceptions.

  • B2C companies: If you're targeting consumers, Friday afternoons might actually be a good time to catch them while they're relaxing and checking their personal emails.
  • Some industries: Certain industries might have unique schedules that make Fridays a viable option.

Pro tip: Experiment with different days to see what works best for your audience. There's no shame in trying something new and seeing how it plays out.

The Best Hours to Hit Send

So, you've picked your perfect days... but hold your horses. We're not done yet. The hour you send your cold email can be just as important as the day itself. Let's break down the optimal times to catch your prospects with their inbox eyes wide open.

Morning vs. Afternoon

You might be a morning person, but is your prospect? There's no one-size-fits-all answer, but here's the lowdown:

  • Morning: Often seen as the prime time for cold emails. People are fresh, caffeine levels are high, and they're tackling their to-do lists. Your email is more likely to get noticed before the day's chaos ensues.
  • Afternoon: This can also be effective, especially after lunch when people are looking for a distraction (or maybe just avoiding more work). It's a good time to catch them in a more relaxed state.

Early Morning (8 AM - 11 AM)

If you're going for the morning send, aim for the early hours. This is when most professionals check their emails first thing. Your message will be at the top of their inbox, fresh and ready to be read.

  • Pro tip: Sending between 8 am and 9 am can be particularly effective. People are just settling into their workday and haven't yet been bombarded with emails.

Early Afternoon (1 PM - 4 PM)

The early afternoon is another sweet spot. People are back from lunch, maybe feeling a little sluggish, and looking for a distraction. A well-crafted cold email could be just the thing to pique their interest.

  • Keep it Short and Sweet: Remember, most people have short attention spans in the afternoon. GMass found that cold emails between 50 and 125 words get nearly 50% reply rates. Get to the point quickly and make your offer irresistible.

Late Afternoon/Evening

Sending emails late in the day or evening is a bit of a gamble. Most people have mentally checked out of work and are focused on personal matters. But, there are some exceptions:

  • Night owls: If you know your target audience tends to work late or check emails after hours, this could be a good strategy.
  • Specific industries: Some industries, like media or entertainment, might have later schedules that make evening emails more effective.
  • Personalized outreach: If you're sending a highly personalized email to someone you've built a rapport with, a later send time might be okay.

Don't be afraid to try different times and track your results. And hey, if you need a helping hand with finding the perfect leads and sending those emails, ListKit and Smartlead are here to make your life easier.

The WORST Times to Send a Cold Email

We've covered the best times to hit send, but let's not forget the flip side of the coin. Knowing when not to send your cold emails can be just as important for avoiding the dreaded "ignore" pile.

Saturday and Sunday

Unless you're targeting folks who work weekends (and let's be honest, who wants that?), avoid sending cold emails on Saturdays and Sundays. People are busy relaxing, spending time with loved ones, or catching up on sleep. Your email is likely to get lost in the shuffle or, worse, annoy them.

The Lunch Rush: 12 PM to 2 PM

Lunchtime is another no-go zone. People are stepping away from their desks, grabbing a bite, or scrolling through social media. Your email might get a quick glance, but it's unlikely to receive the attention it deserves.

The early bird (or night owl): Before 7 AM and after 8 PM

Sending emails (very early morning) before 7 am or after 8 pm can be risky. Most people aren't checking their work emails during these hours. Your email might get buried under a pile of messages by the time they start their workday, or it might annoy them with a notification during their personal time.

Friday afternoon

As Friday afternoon rolls around, people are mentally checking out of work mode. They're making weekend plans, catching up with colleagues, or just counting down the minutes until they can escape the office. Your email is unlikely to get a serious read.

During major holidays and events: Don't be that guy

This should go without saying, but don't send cold sales emails during major holidays or events. People are busy celebrating, traveling, or just enjoying some time off. Your email will come across as intrusive and unprofessional.

When your prospects are sleeping: Mind the time zone

If you're targeting a global audience, be mindful of time zones. Sending an email at 2 am in your time zone might be the middle of the workday for someone else. But it could also be the middle of the night, which is a surefire way to annoy them.

Timing is Everything, But Who's Got the Time? Tools to the Rescue

Let's be real, manually tracking the best times to send emails for each prospect is a recipe for burnout. Luckily, we live in a world of automation and smart tools that can do the heavy lifting for us. Here are a few of our favorites:

ListKit: Your Ultimate Tool for Targeted Outreach


Tired of scouring the internet for leads? ListKit is your one-stop shop for a massive database of triple-verified leads. No more guesswork, no more bouncing emails. Just high-quality leads ready for your perfectly timed outreach.

But wait, there's more. ListKit integrates seamlessly with popular email sending tools, making it a breeze to manage your campaigns. It's like having a personal assistant who specializes in lead generation.

Smartlead: The cold email autopilot

Smartlead is the email marketing platform designed for cold outreach success. It not only helps you craft compelling emails but also automates the sending process. This means you can schedule your emails to go out at the optimal times for each recipient, maximizing your chances of getting those coveted opens and replies.

  • Time zone optimization: Smartlead automatically adjusts send times based on your recipient's location, ensuring your emails arrive at the perfect moment.
  • A/B testing: Experiment with different send times and subject lines to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Performance tracking: Get detailed analytics on your open rates, reply rates, and more, so you can fine-tune your strategy over time.

Expandi: LinkedIn outreach on autopilot

If you're using LinkedIn for lead generation (and you should be), Expandi is a game-changer. This powerful tool automates your LinkedIn outreach, allowing you to send personalized connection requests and messages at scale. You can even set up drip campaigns to nurture leads over time.

  • Smart scheduling: Expandi lets you schedule your LinkedIn messages to go out during peak hours, when your prospects are most likely to be active on the platform.
  • Personalized outreach: Tailor your messages to each recipient, increasing your chances of building meaningful connections.
  • Safety first: Expandi operates within LinkedIn's safety guidelines, so you can rest assured that your account is in good hands.

Other tools to consider

  • Boomerang: This Gmail extension lets you schedule emails and track opens and clicks.
  • Yesware: Another Gmail extension that offers similar features to Boomerang, plus the ability to create email templates and track your overall email performance.
  • MailChimp: This popular email marketing platform offers a variety of features, including A/B testing, automation, and detailed analytics.

The best tool for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. But with so many options available, there's no excuse for not optimizing your email timing.

Measuring Success and Adjusting Strategy

Sending your cold emails at the right time is only half the battle. You gotta track those results and make adjustments like a mad scientist in their lab (minus the explosions, hopefully).

Why measuring success matters

Think of email metrics as your trusty sidekick. They're not just numbers on a screen; they're clues that reveal what's working and what's not. By keeping a close eye on these metrics, you can continuously refine your timing strategy and get better results over time.

Essential email metrics

  • Open rates: How many people opened your email? A high open rate could mean your timing is spot-on, or your subject line is just that good.
  • Click-through rates: Did people click on the links in your email? This shows they're engaged with your content and interested in what you have to offer.
  • Response rates: This is the ultimate goal, right? How many people actually replied to your email? A high response rate means you've nailed both your timing and your messaging.

How to analyze and optimize

  • Open rates: If your open rates are low, experiment with different send times and subject lines. Maybe try sending earlier in the morning or on a different day.
  • Click-through rates: If people are opening your emails but not clicking, your content might need some work. Try adding more compelling calls to action or making your links more prominent.
  • Response rates: If you're not getting many replies, consider tweaking your offer or tailoring your message more specifically to your audience.

Tools to track your success

Don't worry, you don't have to be a data analyst to track your email metrics. Plenty of tools can do the heavy lifting for you.

  • Smartlead: Provides in-depth analytics on all your cold email campaigns, making it easy to see what's working and what's not.
  • MailChimp: Offers detailed reports on opens, clicks, bounces, and more. You can even track which links are getting the most clicks.
  • Google analytics: If you're using a custom tracking domain for your emails, Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into website traffic generated by your email campaign.

Optimizing your email timing is an ongoing process. Don't be afraid to experiment, track your results, and make adjustments as needed. And if you need a little help along the way, ListKit is here to be your trusty sidekicks.

Don't Leave Timing to Chance. Let ListKit Handle It

You've now got the inside scoop on the absolute best (and worst) times to send your cold emails. Armed with this knowledge, you're ready to conquer those inboxes and turn prospects into customers.

Key takeaways:

  • Timing is crucial for cold email success.
  • The best day and time to send depends on your industry, audience, and goals.
  • Personalization is key to making your emails stand out.
  • Don't forget to follow up. Persistence pays off.
  • Use tools to automate and optimize your email timing.

Ready to take your cold email game to the next level? ListKit can help. Our massive database of triple-verified leads ensures you're reaching the right people at the right time. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to more opens, clicks, and conversions. Give ListKit a try and see the difference it can make in your outreach efforts.



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