Cold Email Follow Up Templates
Cold Email Follow Up Templates
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Last updated:
July 13, 2024
Christian Bonnier
Christian Bonnier
Co-Founder at ListKit and Cold Email Expert | 1M+ cold emails sent $5M+ revenue generated through cold outreach. Live in Tampa, love hockey, and Author of One Connection Away.

9 Cold Email Follow-up Templates for Guaranteed Replies

Businessman with a tablet

Struggling to get responses to your cold emails? You're not alone. Only 24% of sales emails are ever opened, but follow-ups can significantly improve your odds. This guide provides 13 effective cold email follow-up templates for 2024, helping you enhance your email outreach and manage client lists efficiently. These templates have all been used in real-time campaigns and have generated over $500,000 in revenue from initial cold email leads.

In this guide, you'll learn about:

  • Effective follow-up templates: Proven templates that get replies.
  • Optimal timing and frequency: Best practices for when and how often to send follow-ups.
  • Personalization techniques: How to tailor your emails for better engagement.
  • Common mistakes to avoid: Pitfalls that can derail your email campaigns.
  • Tools and technologies for success: Tools that streamline your follow-up process and boost your results.

P.S., Part of the reason these scripts worked so well is because the people sending these emails targeted highly relevant leads whose contact information was triple-verified using ListKit. You won’t know how well a script is performing if you’re sending it to the wrong people who aren’t interested.


TL;DR: Cold Email Follow-Up Templates

  • Why Follow-Ups Matter: Follow-up emails significantly increase response rates and show persistence and genuine interest, enhancing the chances of connecting with prospects.
  • Personalization: Customize follow-ups with the recipient’s name, business specifics, and pain points to increase engagement and build trust.
  • Multi-Channel Approach: Use email, LinkedIn, and phone calls to follow up, ensuring broader reach and multiple touchpoints.
  • Value Addition: Each follow-up should offer something valuable, like useful resources or solutions to problems, to maintain the recipient's interest.
  • Concise and Clear CTAs: Keep follow-ups short and to the point, with a clear call to action to guide the recipient on the next steps.
  • Timing and Frequency: Space follow-ups strategically—start with a 3-day interval, then gradually increase the gaps between emails to avoid being intrusive.
  • Templates: Use the nine provided templates tailored for various offers like Facebook Ads, Email Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Fractional CMO, Web Design, SEO, YouTube Content, Google Ads, and Lead Generation to drive better results.
  • Automation Tools: Leverage cold email sending software like Smartlead to automate follow-up sequences, including delays and mass personalization placeholders, and ListKit to build highly targeted B2B lead lists, ensuring follow-ups reach the right people.

Why Follow-Ups Matter in Cold Outreach

Doctor holds an abstract email with a hand in his hand

Cold email follow-ups can transform your outreach strategy. Many initial emails go unnoticed, but a well-timed, polite follow-up email back-up can bring your message back to the recipient's attention. Here’s why follow-ups matter and how you can use them effectively:

  • Increased Response Rates: Initial emails often get lost in busy inboxes. According to a study by Backlinko, follow-up emails can increase response rates by up to 49%. This means follow-ups provide a second, third, fourth, and fifth chance for your message to be seen and considered, significantly boosting your response rates. For instance, if your initial email had a 10% response rate, a well-executed follow-up could raise this to 15% or more.
  • Demonstrates Persistence: Consistent follow-ups show that you are serious about connecting. This persistence can be particularly effective in industries where decision-makers are hard to reach.
  • Shows Genuine Interest: Regular communication signals that you are committed to engaging with the recipient, helping to build trust. For example, a follow-up that references a previous conversation or a specific pain point shows that you are paying attention to their needs.

Tips for Effective Follow-Ups

Here's a LinkedIn post by ListKit Co-founder on some follow-up best practices when doing outreach for guaranteed replies:

Here are some more tips for you:

  1. Personalize Your Follow-Ups: Use the recipient’s name and reference specifics about their business or industry. Personalization can increase open rates by 26%.
  2. Use Multiple Channels: Don’t rely solely on email. Consider follow-ups via LinkedIn or a quick phone call for a multi-channel approach.
  3. Add Value: Each follow-up should offer something of value, whether it’s a useful resource, a relevant case study, or a new solution to a known problem.
  4. Keep It Concise: Busy professionals appreciate brevity. Make sure your follow-ups are concise and to the point.
  5. Include a Clear CTA: Always end with a clear call to action, such as scheduling a call, downloading a resource, or replying to your email.
  6. Research: Take the time to research the recipient’s industry, company, and specific challenges they might be facing. Use tools like LinkedIn and company websites to gather insights.
  7. Respect Their Time: Keep your follow-up emails concise and to the point. Long emails can be off-putting. Aim for follow-up emails that are 3-4 sentences long, focusing on the main message and a clear call to action. And don't send follow-ups too often. You want to space them out longer as you continue to follow-up as a general rule of thumb.

9 Cold Email Follow-Up Templates That Get Replies (+ A/B tests)

Here are nine cold email follow-up templates categorized by different use cases that have been proven to get responses. Use these ten follow-up email templates to enhance your cold email campaigns and outreach and drive better results.

1. Facebook Ads Offer

Email #1A

Subject: quick question

Hey {{firstName}},

I was targeted by one of {{companyName}}’s ads on Instagram the other day and noticed a few things that may be hurting your conversion rate.

I recorded a quick video breaking down the causes and how to fix them, mind if I share it with you here?

Email #2A (wait 3 days)

I have an ad creative idea that can help you acquire more customers from your ad campaigns.

Open to discussing this further?

Email #2B

I recorded a quick video explaining a few ideas I had to boost your conversions from paid ads.

Mind if I share it with you here?

Email #3A (Wait 5 days)

Hey {{firstName}},

Who might be the best person to get in touch with at {{companyName}} to discuss paid ad strategy?

Email #3B

I recorded a quick video explaining a few ideas I had to boost your conversions from paid ads.

Mind if I share it with you here?

Email #4 (Wait 7 days)

Hey {{firstName}},

Might now be a better time to discuss a few things I noticed with {{companyName}}'s ads that may be hurting your conversion rate?

Your communication would be appreciated either way!

Email #5 (Wait 21 days)

Hey {{firstName}},

Might now be a better time to discuss a few things I noticed with {{companyName}}'s ads that may be hurting your conversion rate?

Your communication would be appreciated either way!

2. Email Marketing Offer

Email #1

quick question

Hey {{prospect.first_name}},

I was doing some shopping yesterday and subscribed to {{company.name}}'s newsletter from the opt-in on your website.

As an email marketer, I couldn’t help but notice some things with your welcome flow that might be hurting your conversions.

I made a video breaking down the causes and how to fix them, mind if I send it over to you?

Email #2 (wait 4 days)

The reason I reached out the other day is because we help purpose-driven eCom brands increase their Klaviyo revenue with email design and copywriting.

Had some Klaviyo flow ideas I wanted to run by you.

Would you be opposed to watching a quick video explaining further?

Email #3 (wait 3 days)

I recorded a quick video discussing a Klaviyo strategy you can use to generate up to 300% more revenue from {{company.name}}'s email list.

Mind if I share it with you here?

Email #4 (wait 5 days)

Who might be the best person to get in touch with at your company to discuss Klaviyo strategy?

Email #5 (Wait 21 days)

SUBJECT: checking in...

Hey {{prospect.first_name}},

Would now be a better time to discuss a Klaviyo strategy you can use to help {{company.name}} generate 200% more revenue from your customer list?

Your communication is appreciated either way.

3. Influencer Marketing Offer

Email #1

quick question

Hey {{firstName}},

I was searching for some presents for my cousin’s birthday and came across {{companyName}}'s website - love the products!

Based on your website, I think your products would be a huge hit on TikTok.

Curious, are you looking to partner with 200 TikTok influencers each month to promote {{company_name}}'s​ products to their audiences?

Email #2 (wait 4 days)

We can make {{companyName}} go viral by partnering you with 200 TikTok influencers each month to create content with your products.

We recently helped Blushberry Beauty partner with 174 influencers in their first 3 weeks working with us, and they got an ROI of 9x.

Are you open to discussing an influencer strategy I had in mind for you?

Email #3A (wait 3 days)

I wanted to discuss a strategy you can use to make {{companyName}}'s products go viral on TikTok with influencer marketing.

In short, we’ll partner you with 200 influencers a month to promote your products, all at no cost to you - just like we've done for Blushberry Beauty.


Email #3B (wait 3 days)

Who might be the best person to get in touch with at {{companyName}} to discuss influencer marketing strategy?

Email #4 (wait 5 days)


Email #5 (wait 21 days)

checking in...

Hey {{firstName}},

Would now be a better time to discuss how we can partner you with 200 TikTok influencers each month to promote {{companyName}}'s products?

Your communication would be appreciated either way!

4. Fractional CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) Offer

Email #1

quick question

Hey {{firstName}},

Noticed you’re a fellow startup operator - love what you’re doing with {{company_name}}! I actually served as the fractional CMO of a startup similar to yours from X-Y (insert years).

I helped them scale from X to Y revenue in Z time, and I have the blueprint to help you do the same.

Are you open to discussing some growth ideas I had in mind for you?

Email #2 (wait 4 days)

I scaled a startup from X to Y revenue as their CMO, and I have the blueprint to help you do the same.

Instead of an agency you’d probably get burned by, I’ll step in as your fractional CMO and give you a holistic plan to help {{companyName}} grow.

Mind if I share a quick video explaining further?

Email #3

I recorded a quick video explaining a few growth ideas I had for {{companyName}} based on my experience as a fractional CMO of a startup similar to yours.

Mind if I share the video here?

Email #4 (wait 5 days)


Email #5 (wait 21 days)

checking in...

Hey {{firstName}},

Might now be a better time to discuss how I can step in as {{companyName}}'s fractional CMO to help you scale?

I scaled a startup from X to Y revenue as their CMO, and I have the blueprint to help you do the same.

Your communication would be appreciated either way.

5. Web Design Offer

Email #1

quick question

Hi {{name}},

Was checking out {{company_name}}'s website and noticed a few things that might be hurting your conversion rate with potential customers.

I recorded a video explaining a few changes you can make to your website to book more inbound calls, mind if I share it with you here?

Let me know your thoughts either way.

Email #2 (wait 4 days)

I went ahead and recorded a video discussing a strategy you can use to increase your website conversions with potential customers.

Should I share it with you here, or are you lucky enough to have someone handling your marketing for you?

Email #3 (wait 3 days)


Email #4 (wait 5 days)

Who might be the best person to get in touch with at {{company_name}} to discuss website conversion strategy with?

Email #5 (wait 21 days)

Would now be a better time to discuss a few things I found on {{company_name}}'s website that might be hurting your conversions with potential customers?

Your communication is appreciated either way!

6. SEO Offer


SL: 10 (insert lead type) leads per month - guaranteed

Hi {{first_name}},

Noticed you're one of the top realtors in {{city}} - love what you're doing with {{company_name}}!

Curious, are you looking for more (insert lead type) leads?

Reason I ask is because we just helped a realtor in XYZ get 15 (insert lead type) calls in a month without spending a penny on ads, and I'm confident we can help you too.

Let me know if you're open to learning more.

EMAIL #2 (wait 4 days):

We can help you take (insert lead type) leads from your competitors by ranking your website at the top of local Google searches in {{city}}.

We recently did this for XYZ, and they closed on 10 (lead type) houses in a month.

Would you be open to discussing a few strategies I had to help you do the same?

EMAIL #3A (wait 3 days):

I recorded a quick video explaining how we can help you take (insert lead type) leads from your competitors in {{city}} by ranking your website at the top of Google searches.

Mind if I share the video with you here?

EMAIL #3B (wait 3 days):

I recorded a quick video explaining how we can help you generate 10 (insert lead type) leads per month in {{city}} with our Realtor Growth System.

Mind if I share the video here?

Email #4 (wait 5 days)


Email #5 (wait 21 days)

Would now be a better time to discuss how we can help you generate 10 (insert lead type) leads per month in {{city}} with our Realtor Growth System?

Your communication is appreciated either way!

7. YouTube Content Offer


SL: quick question

Hey {{firstName}},

As a coach, I'm sure you're looking to grow your brand to generate more inbound leads.

We can help you add 10-50k in deals to your sales pipeline by growing a YouTube channel for you.


Open to discussing how we can help you do something similar?

EMAIL 2 (wait 4 days):

We can help you become an authority figure on YouTube with our Agency YouTube Growth Process.

We'll script, edit, and publish the videos for you, all you need to do is sit down and record them.

CASE STUDY, and I'm confident we can help you do something similar on agency topics.

Mind if I share a sample video outline with you here based on your website?

EMAIL 3 (wait 3 days):

I recorded a quick video explaining how we can help you become an authority figure by growing a YouTube channel for you.

Mind if I share the video with you here?

EMAIL 4A (wait 5 days):

Who might be the best person to get in touch with at {{companyName}} to discuss Youtube growth strategy?

EMAIL 4B (wait 5 days):


EMAIL 5 (wait 21 days):

Would now be a better time to discuss how we can add 10-50k in deals to your pipeline by growing a YouTube channel for you?

Your communication would be appreciated either way!

8. Google Ads (PPC Lead Gen) Offer


SUBJECTS: more {{insert case type}} clients

Hi {{first_name}},

Was looking for {{business types}} in {{City}} and came across your website - impressed by your reviews.

Reaching out because we recently helped CLIENT sign an extra X (insert client type) clients last month - and I'm confident we can help you see similar results.

We even guarantee you'll get at least X new (client types) a month, or else you don't pay.

Open to learning more?


SUBJECT: {{insert case type}} cases

Hi {{first_name}},

Was looking for {{business types}} in {{City}} and came across your website - impressed by your reviews.

Just reaching out because we can bring you an additional 15 {{insert client type}} clients each month - guaranteed or you don't pay.

We'll generate the leads for you, then convert them into signed clients - 100% handsfree on your end.

Interested in discussing further?

EMAIL #2 (wait 4 days):

We can bring you 15 extra {{insert client type}} clients each month with our Local Business Growth System.

We helped X sign Y new clients last month without relying on billboards or TV, and I'm confident we can help you too.

Mind if I send over a few marketing strategies I had in mind for you?

EMAIL #3 (wait 3 days)

Who might be the best person to get in touch with at your company to discuss signing more {{insert case}} clients?


I recorded a quick video explaining how we can bring you 15 extra {{insert client type}} clients each month, guaranteed or you don't pay.

Mind if I share the video here?

EMAIL #4 (wait 5 days):


EMAIL #5 (wait 21 days):

Would now be a better time to discuss how we can bring you 15 extra {{insert case type}} clients each month, guaranteed or you don't pay?

Let me know if you'd be open to discussing.

9. Lead Gen Offer


Subject: quick question

Hi {{name}},

Noticed you’re a fellow agency owner - love what you’ve built with {{company_name}}!

Reaching out because we can add 5-10 qualified sales calls to your calendar each month - and we work 100% on performance.

Mind if I share a video going over an outreach strategy I had in mind for you?

Email #2A (wait 3 days)

Following up here about adding 5-10 qualified calls to your calendar each month.

We work 100% on performance, so you only pay for meetings that are a good fit to work with you.

Open to seeing a quick video explaining how this works?

EMAIL #3A (wait 5 days):

I recorded a quick video explaining how we can book 5-10 calls on your calendar each month, 100% on performance.

Mind if I share it?

EMAIL #3B (wait 5 days):

I recorded a quick video explaining an outreach strategy you can use to sign 1 extra client each month - 100% on performance.

Open to learning more?

EMAIL #4 (wait 4 days)


EMAIL #5 (wait 21 days)

Would now be a better time to discuss how we can book 5-10 extra sales calls on your calendar each month?

Breaking Down 4 Successful Follow-up Sequences

So we went through some high-performing scripts that you can steal above. But let's see some in live action now. In this section, you'll see a breakdown of cold email follow-up sequences that actually led to a sales call, and a summary of what was done well.

1. Follow up sequence of Google Ads offer targeting E-commerce brands

Email 1: Initial Outreach

Email 1 of Google Ads offer targeting E-commerce brands follow-up sequence

Email 2: Value Addition

Email 2 of Google Ads offer targeting E-commerce brands follow-up sequence

Email 3: Follow-Up Request

Email 3 of Google Ads offer targeting E-commerce brands follow-up sequence

Response from Prospect

Email 4 of Google Ads offer targeting E-commerce brands follow-up sequence

Email 4: Addressing Objections

Email 5 of Google Ads offer targeting E-commerce brands follow-up sequence

Positive Response from Prospect

Email 6 of Google Ads offer targeting E-commerce brands follow-up sequence

Email 5: Scheduling the Call

Email 7 of Google Ads offer targeting E-commerce brands follow-up sequence

Why This Sequence Worked?

1. Personalization and Relevant Content:

  • Used recipient’s name in each email, making communication feel personal.
  • Referenced Melissa's business and unique qualities, showing the sender had done their homework.

2. Clear Value Proposition:

  • Offered a free Google ads audit, presenting clear value without any upfront commitment.
  • Shared useful content (YouTube video) demonstrating expertise and providing actionable tips.

3. Clear and Concise Communication:

  • Kept emails short and to the point, making it easy for Melissa to grasp the message.
  • Included clear calls to action (CTAs), guiding Melissa on the next steps.

4. Addressing Objections and Maintaining Professional Tone:

  • Addressed cost concerns with a performance-based pricing model, reducing perceived risk.
  • Maintained a polite and respectful tone throughout, even when addressing objections.

2. Follow up sequence of Full-service marketing agency offer

1. Initial Outreach

Email 1 of Full-service marketing agency offer follow up sequence

2. Follow-Up 1

Email 2 of Full-service marketing agency offer follow up sequence

3. Follow-Up 2

Email 3 of Full-service marketing agency offer follow up sequence

4. Response from Prospect

Email 4 of Full-service marketing agency offer follow up sequence

5. Final Coordination

Email 5 of Full-service marketing agency offer follow up sequence

Why This Sequence Worked?

1. Personalization and Connection:

  • Mentioned recent funding news, showing awareness of Aubrey's business achievements.
  • Created a positive, friendly tone right from the start.

2. Value Proposition:

  • Offered insights into website visitors, providing immediate, tangible value.
  • Suggested a call to discuss specific marketing strategies, highlighting potential benefits.

3. Clear and Concise Communication:

  • Emails were brief and to the point, making it easy for Aubrey to understand the message.
  • Each email included a clear call to action, guiding Aubrey on the next steps.
  • Sent follow-up emails at appropriate intervals, showing persistence without being pushy.

Best Practices Highlighted

  • Research and Personalization: Showed that Victor had done his homework by referencing recent funding news.
  • Value-Driven Offers: Provided valuable insights and specific offers relevant to Aubrey's business.
  • Clear CTAs: Included clear and actionable next steps in each email.
  • Consistent Follow-Ups: Demonstrated persistence with well-timed follow-ups.

3. Follow up sequence of Pay per call lead gen Offer for B2B service providers

1. Initial Outreach

2. Response from Prospect

3. Follow-Up 1

4. Follow-Up 2

5. Follow-Up 3

6. Follow-Up 4

7. Response from Prospect

8. Final Coordination

9. Meeting Scheduling

10. Confirmation

Why This Sequence Worked?

  1. Personalization and Connection:
    • Mentioned recent business achievement, showing awareness and relevance.
    • Friendly, conversational tone created a positive impression.
  2. Value Proposition:
    • Offered a unique pay-per-call lead generation service, providing clear value.
    • Highlighted experience with similar clients and targeted CMOs, increasing credibility.
  3. Clear and Concise Communication:
    • Emails were brief, making it easy for Debi to understand the message.
    • Each email included a clear call to action, guiding Debi on the next steps.
    • Follow-up emails were spaced appropriately, showing persistence without being pushy.

4. Follow up sequence of Video Production Company targeting creative agencies

1. Initial Outreach

2. Follow-Up 1

3. Response from Prospect

4. Follow-Up 2

5. Follow-Up 3

6. Follow-Up 4

7. Follow-Up 5

8. Response from Prospect

9. Final Coordination

10. Meeting Scheduling & Confirmation

Why This Sequence Worked

  • Personalization and Connection:
    • Asked a direct question relevant to Chris's needs, establishing immediate relevance.
    • Shared a video reel to showcase the quality of work, providing a visual and engaging example.
  • Value Proposition:
    • Offered to discuss pricing over a call to provide a tailored solution, avoiding generic quotes.
    • Addressed potential fit, ensuring both parties would benefit from the collaboration.
  • Clear and Concise Communication:
    • Emails were brief and straightforward, making it easy for Chris to understand the offer.
    • Each email included a clear call to action, guiding Chris on the next steps.
    • Follow-up emails were spaced appropriately, showing persistence without being intrusive.

Best Practices Highlighted

  • Direct and Relevant Questions: Started with a simple, direct question that was immediately relevant to the recipient's needs.
  • Visual Proof of Work: Shared a video reel early in the sequence to provide tangible proof of quality and build credibility.
  • Custom Solutions: Emphasized the need for a phone call to discuss tailored solutions, rather than providing generic information.
  • Polite Persistence: Maintained a friendly, professional tone and showed persistence by following up at appropriate intervals.
  • Addressing Potential Issues: Asked if previous emails were received to address potential issues with spam, showing attentiveness.

These strategies demonstrate effective follow-up practices, improving the chances of engagement and positive responses. Implementing similar techniques can improve the success of your email outreach campaigns.

How Often Should You Send a Follow-Up Email? And When?

Objects with the icon of what they do

Timing and frequency are crucial for effective follow-ups. Sending follow-ups at the right time and with the right frequency can significantly impact your open and full response rate and rates. Here are some best practices:

1. Best Times to Send

Knowing the best times to send follow-up emails can maximize your open rates. Consider the following insights:

  • Business Hours: Send follow-up emails during business hours, preferably mid-morning (10-11 AM) or early afternoon (2-3 PM). These times are often when recipients are most likely to check their emails. If your target audience is in the corporate sector, avoid sending emails early in the morning or late in the evening when they might be swamped with other tasks.
  • Avoid Weekends: Weekends typically have lower open rates, so aim to send follow-ups on weekdays. If your initial email was sent on a Thursday, avoid sending the follow-up over the weekend. Instead, schedule it for the following Monday or Tuesday.
    • Pro tip - try Saturdays: Despite our general feedback above on avoiding weekends above, sending on Saturday afternoons could prove effective if you're targeting B2B founders and executives. They usually do some work and check their emails on Saturdays, and are less busy with other work so they're more likely to respond.

2. Determining the Right Frequency

Spacing out your follow-up emails correctly helps maintain interest without becoming annoying. Here’s the follow-up frequency ListKit Co-founder, Christian Bonnier, has seen drive the most replies and sales:

  • Send the first follow-up 3 days after the initial email. This timing strikes a balance between giving the recipient enough time to respond and ensuring your email is still top of mind. If you sent the initial email on a Monday, schedule the first follow-up for Thursday or Friday to stay relevant.
  • The second follow-up email should be sent 5 days after the first one: Space out subsequent follow-up by 5-7 days. This ensures that you stay on the recipient's radar without overwhelming them. If your first follow-up is sent on a Monday, plan the second follow-up for Saturday afternoon or Monday.
  • Wait for 7 days before sending the third follow-up. This gap gives the recipient ample time to consider your previous emails without feeling pressured. If the second follow-up was on a Monday, schedule the third for the following Monday.
  • Then wait 10 days before sending the fourth follow-up. By gradually increasing the interval between follow-ups, you maintain visibility while respecting the recipient’s time. If the third follow-up was sent on a Monday, plan the fourth follow-up for the following Thursday.
  • Finally, wait 21 days before sending the fifth follow-up. A longer interval at this stage signals persistence without appearing desperate. If the fourth follow-up was sent on a Thursday, schedule the fifth follow-up for three weeks later on a Thursday.
    • In this email, you may also want to mention something like "This is my last email to you", which can work well because the prospect will respect your persistence and will be willing to give you a shot since they not hear from you again.

What to do if the prospect still hasn't replied to your follow-ups?

  1. Recycle the leads after 6 months. Don't just throw away the lead list you've built. When sending cold emails, you need to accept that sometimes it's just not a good time for a prospect. But, it might be 6 months down the line. That's reasonable. So, set a reminder for 180 days and then re-engage those prospects, re-summarizing your offer and asking if now's a better time.
  2. Reach out to them on other channels. If you send a cold email, AND a LinkedIn or Twitter DM, that shows you're not just a bot, but actually taking your time to do the research on them and get in touch. Great thing about this is that you can automate the cold DMs as well using Smartlead or Expandi by uploading your lead list.
  3. Accept it and move on. If a prospect hasn't replied after multiple attempts, like 15 follow-ups over the course of 6 months, then it's time to accept that they want nothing to do with you. This is normal. This is OK. Move on and find more leads using ListKit's b2b database of over 500M+ triple-verified contacts.

Make Sure You Do These Things Right Before Sending Follow-ups

Hands on laptop with icons
  • Compelling Subject Line: Craft subject lines that command attention. Aim for curiosity or value-driven phrases to increase open rates. Here are some high-performing ones that give us 80%+ open rates in our cold email campaigns:
    • "Quick question"
    • "question about {company}"
    • "Can you handle more [leads/customers/etc.]?"
    • "{name} + YOUR NAME"
    • "{company} + YOUR COMPANY"
    • "Quick win for [recipient’s company]"

👉 21 Killer Cold Email Subject Lines (90% Open Rates)

  • Email Deliverability: Ensure high deliverability by maintaining a clean email list, avoiding spammy content, and authenticating your domain with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC - yo can use intuitive tools like Porkbun to set up domains in bulk. Use Mailtester.com to check your email's deliverability status and employ warm-up tools to gradually improve your sender reputation.
  • Automation (you NEED this): If you try and follow up with dozens of prospects per DAY, you are going to burn out. You don't need to slave away doing this when there are cold email automation tools out there like Smartlead where you can schedule follow-up sequences in the frequency you prefer.

Refine Your Follow-ups with Cold Email Data

Email inbox message list online interface

Regular analysis and optimization can significantly enhance the success of your follow-up email campaigns. By tracking key metrics, conducting A/B testing, and refining your strategies, you can improve your outreach and increase response rates. Here’s how to do it:

1. Tracking Key Metrics

Monitoring essential metrics is the first step in analyzing the effectiveness of your follow-up campaigns. Focus on these key metrics:

  • Open Rates: This metric shows the percentage of recipients who open your emails. A low open rate might indicate issues with your subject line or the timing of your email. If your open rate is below the industry average of 20%, consider revising your subject lines or experimenting with different sending times.
  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): This measures the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within your email. A higher CTR suggests that your content and CTA are compelling. If your CTR is around 2.5%, which is the average for many industries, analyze the placement and wording of your CTAs to find ways to improve.
  • Response Rates: This indicates the percentage of recipients who responded to your email. Tracking this helps you understand how engaging and persuasive your follow-up emails are. If your response rate is low, consider whether your follow-up emails are addressing the recipient’s needs effectively. Are your CTAs clear and compelling?

By keeping a close eye on these metrics, you can identify what’s working and what needs improvement in your customer journey and sales follow-up strategy.

2. Conducting A/B Testing

A/B testing, or split testing, is a powerful method to optimize your follow-up emails. It involves sending two variations of an email to different segments of your audience to see which one performs better.

  • Test Subject Lines: Experiment with different subject lines to see which ones result in higher open rates. Try variations in length, tone, and keywords. Test a straightforward subject line like "Quick Follow-Up" against a more intriguing one like "Have You Seen This Yet?"
  • Test Content: Create different versions of your email content to determine what resonates most with your audience. You can test variations in length, format, and messaging. Compare a detailed follow-up email with a brief, to-the-point message to see which performs better.
  • Test CTAs: Try different calls to action to see which ones generate more clicks and responses. Consider testing the placement, wording, and urgency of your CTAs. Compare CTAs like "Schedule a Call Now" with "Learn More About Our Services" to see which drives more engagement.

A/B testing helps you refine each element of your follow-up template backup emails based on real performance data, ensuring that your emails are as effective as possible.

3. Refining Strategies

Continuous improvement is key to maintaining an effective follow-up campaign. Use the insights gained from tracking metrics and A/B testing to refine your approach.

  • Analyze Results: Regularly review your campaign data to identify trends and areas for improvement. Look for patterns in what’s working and what isn’t. If you notice that emails sent on Tuesdays have higher open rates, adjust your sending schedule accordingly.
  • Implement Changes: Based on your analysis, make informed adjustments to your follow-up emails. This could involve tweaking your subject lines, adjusting your email content, or trying new CTAs. If shorter emails perform better, consider shortening your follow-up emails to keep them concise and engaging.
  • Repeat the Process: Optimization is an ongoing process. Continuously test, analyze, and refine your emails to keep improving your follow-up success. Set up a regular review process, such as monthly or quarterly, to evaluate your email performance and make necessary adjustments.

Pro Tip: Use tools like Google Analytics or your email service provider’s analytics to track detailed performance metrics. These tools can provide deeper insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences.

By systematically analyzing and optimizing your follow-up campaigns, you can enhance your outreach effectiveness, build stronger connections, and achieve better results over time.

Are You Following Up With The Right People?

Cold email follow-ups can transform your outreach strategy, significantly increasing response rates and building trust with your prospects. By personalizing your emails, leveraging multiple channels, adding value, and using concise CTAs, you can maintain engagement and drive better results. Timing and frequency play a crucial role in keeping your follow-ups effective without overwhelming your recipients.

Key Takeaways:

  • Follow-Ups Matter: Follow-up emails can increase response rates by up to 49%. For example, if your initial email had a 10% response rate, follow-ups could boost this to 15% or more. Persistence pays off!
  • Personalization: Tailor your emails to the recipient’s specifics to build trust. Mention their name, reference their business or pain points, and show that you’ve done your homework. Personalization can increase open rates by 26%.
  • Multi-Channel Approach: Use email, LinkedIn, and phone calls for a broader reach. Don’t rely solely on email; a LinkedIn message or a quick call can make a significant difference in getting your message noticed.
  • Value Addition: Offer something valuable in each follow-up, like a useful resource, relevant case study, or a solution to a known problem. This keeps your prospects interested and engaged.
  • Clear CTAs: Be concise with a clear call to action in each email. For example, ask them to schedule a call, download a resource, or simply reply to your email. Clear CTAs guide your recipients on what to do next.
  • Timing and Frequency: Space your follow-ups strategically. Start with a 3-day interval, then gradually increase the gaps. For example, send the second follow-up 5 days after the first, and the third follow-up 7 days after the second.

By using ListKit, you can ensure that your follow-ups are reaching the right people. Our triple-verified data, seamless integration with Smartlead, and user-friendly interface save you time and resources. Plus, with our free 30-minute strategy call, you can optimize your lead generation strategy with personalized guidance from our experts.


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