How to Personalize the Sh*t Out of Cold Emails (at scale)
How to Personalize the Sh*t Out of Cold Emails (at scale)
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Last updated:
July 31, 2024
Christian Bonnier
Christian Bonnier
Co-Founder at ListKit and Cold Email Expert | 1M+ cold emails sent $5M+ revenue generated through cold outreach. Live in Tampa, love hockey, and Author of One Connection Away.

Are your cold emails getting ignored? It's time to change that. Personalizing cold emails in 2024 means more than just your email subject line adding a name. This guide will show you how to make your emails stand out and get responses. Here's what we'll explore:

  • What is Cold Email Personalization?: Basics and importance.
  • Impact on Open and Reply Rates: Stats like personalized subject lines increase open rates by 26%.
  • Advanced Personalization Techniques: Best practices and tools.
  • Leveraging Data for Hyper-Personalization: Using detailed data effectively.
  • Crafting Effective Email Templates: Proven templates and tips.
  • How ListKit Enhances Personalization: Boost your efforts with ListKit's features.

P.S., ListKit helps you personalize your cold email and outreach emails by giving you lead data like company name, location, position, and website that you can use strategically in your messaging. We also triple-verify your email and phone numbers to make sure your personalization actually lands in the prospect's inbox.


TL;DR: How to Master Cold Email Personalization

  • Cold email personalization boosts engagement by tailoring content to each recipient, using their name, company, and interests.
  • Key elements include personalized subject lines, relevant content, and custom sign-offs, making emails feel more personal and less spammy.
  • Defining your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) helps target your messages effectively by understanding your best customers' characteristics and needs.
  • Advanced techniques like pain point identification and location-based personalization allow scalable, yet specific, outreach.
  • Essential tools like ListKit, Smartlead, and Quicklines.ai provide detailed data and dynamic content insertion to enhance personalization efforts.
  • Hyper-personalization uses data analytics and AI to tailor emails based on recipient behavior and past interactions, driving higher engagement.
  • Best practices for cold email personalization include thorough research, using specific details, keeping emails concise, maintaining a friendly tone, and including clear calls to action.

What is Cold Email Personalization?

Cold email personalization is the practice of customizing your email content to make it relevant and engaging for each recipient. Instead of sending the same generic message to everyone, cold emailing has you tailor the content based on specific details about the recipient. This approach makes your email stand out and increases the chances of getting a response.

Elements of Cold Email Personalization

  1. Using the Recipient's Name: Addressing the recipient by their first name makes the email feel personal and less like spam.
  2. Mentioning Their Company: Referencing the recipient’s company or recent achievements shows that you've done your homework and are genuinely interested in them.
  3. Relevant Content: Tailoring the message to address specific pain points or interests relevant to the recipient.
  4. Personalized Subject Lines: A subject line with the recipient's name or company can boost open rates significantly.
  5. Custom Sign-offs: A sign-off that reflects your understanding of the recipient’s business needs adds a personal touch.

Personalized Cold Email Examples

Example 1 - Google Ads Offer Targetting E-commerce Brands

Here’s a visual example:

Google Ads Offer Targetting E-commerce Brands

Personalization Elements used in this Email:

  1. First Name: Addressing the recipient by their first name makes the email feel more personal and less like a generic blast.
  2. Company Name: Mentioning the recipient's company shows that you've done your homework and are specifically interested in their business.
  3. Tailored Insight: Highlighting specific issues on their website and offering a customized solution demonstrates your expertise and genuine interest in helping them.

Why This Works?

  • Relevance: The email addresses a specific pain point (Google keyword rankings) that is likely important to the recipient.
  • Personal Touch: Using the recipient’s first name and company name makes the message feel customized.
  • Value Offering: Providing a video with solutions adds immediate value and shows your willingness to help.

Example 2 - SEO Offer Targetting Local Businesses

SEO Offer Targetting Local Businesses

Personalization Elements used in this Email:

  1. First Name: Addressing the recipient by their first name makes the email feel more personal and less like a generic blast.
  2. Business Type and City: Mentioning the specific business type and city shows that you've done your homework and are interested in their local market.
  3. Tailored Insight: Highlighting the impressive reviews and offering a specific client acquisition number demonstrates your expertise and genuine interest in helping them.

Why This Works?

  • Relevance: The email addresses a specific pain point (client acquisition) that is crucial for local businesses.
  • Personal Touch: Using the recipient’s first name, business type, and city makes the message feel customized.
  • Value Offering: Promising additional clients without ad spend and offering hands-free lead generation provides immediate value and shows your commitment to helping them grow.

Example 3 - Funnel Building Offer Targetting Coaches & Consultants

Funnel Building Offer Targetting Coaches & Consultants

Personalization Elements used in this Email:

  1. First Name: Addressing the recipient by their first name makes the email feel personal and less like a generic blast.
  2. Content Mention: Referencing the recipient’s content shows that you've taken the time to research and appreciate their work.
  3. Tailored Offer: Highlighting a specific result (25 booked calls in 90 days) and a money-back guarantee demonstrates a clear and attractive value proposition.

Why This Works?

  • Relevance: The email addresses a specific goal (booking calls) that is likely important to coaches and consultants.
  • Personal Touch: Using the recipient’s first name and acknowledging their content builds rapport and trust.
  • Value Offering: Providing a tangible result (25 calls) with a money-back guarantee adds significant value and reduces perceived risk, making the offer more compelling.

Example 4 - Full Service Marketing Agency Offer (Complete Email Sequence Included)

Full Service Marketing Agency Offer (Complete Email Sequence Included)

Personalization Elements:

  1. Investment Mention: Referencing the specific investment (Defiance Ventures) shows that you've done your research on recent developments related to the recipient's company.
  2. Company Name: Mentioning BatteryXchange directly ties the email to the recipient’s business, making it highly relevant.
  3. Specific Benefit: Asking about website visitor insights addresses a common interest for companies looking to grow, demonstrating your understanding of their needs.

2. First Follow-up Email

First Follow-up Email

Personalization Elements:

  • Recipient’s Name: Addressing Aubrey by name personalizes the email and makes it more engaging.
  • Company Name: Mentioning BatteryXchange keeps the conversation focused on their specific business.
  • Tailored Offer: Proposing an account-based marketing strategy shows that you understand their potential needs and have a specific solution in mind.

3. Second Follow-up Email

Second Follow-up Email

Personalization Elements:

  • Quick Question Format: Using a quick question format grabs attention and encourages a response.
  • Company Name: Mentioning BatteryXchange ensures the email is relevant to the recipient’s business.
  • Specific Pain Point: Addressing the challenge of keeping offers relevant to cold traffic shows you understand their potential struggles and are ready to help.

4. Response From the Prospect

Response From the Prospect

5. Getting the Meeting Scheduled

Getting the Meeting Scheduled

Personalization Elements:

  • Recipient’s Name: Addressing Aubrey by name continues the personal engagement.
  • Friendly Tone: Using a friendly and relaxed tone makes the communication feel more personal and less formal.
  • Availability: Providing a range of available times shows flexibility and willingness to accommodate the recipient's schedule.

Breakdown of Personalization Elements Used in this Email Sequence

  1. Specific Events and Achievements:
    • Investment Mention: The initial email references a specific investment by Defiance Ventures in BatteryXchange. This shows that you have researched the recipient's company and are aware of significant milestones.
    • Why It’s Effective: Mentioning specific events or achievements makes the email relevant and timely, capturing the recipient's attention by acknowledging their recent successes.
  2. Personal Names and Company References:
    • First Name and Company Name: Throughout the sequence, emails address the recipient by their first name and reference their company, BatteryXchange.
    • Why It’s Effective: Using the recipient's name and company name makes the communication feel personal and tailored rather than a generic mass email. It builds rapport and trust by showing a personal touch.
  3. Tailored Benefits and Pain Points:
    • Website Visitor Insights: The initial email offers a benefit of understanding who is visiting their website and their behaviors, which is a common interest for growing businesses.
    • Account-Based Marketing Strategy: The follow-up email introduces a specific marketing strategy tailored to the company's potential needs.
    • Sales and Relevance: The second follow-up addresses how the sales team keeps the offer relevant to cold traffic, a critical pain point for businesses targeting new leads.
    • Why It’s Effective: Addressing specific benefits and pain points shows that you understand the recipient's business challenges and can offer solutions. It makes the email content directly relevant to their current needs.
  4. Conversational and Friendly Tone:
    • Friendly Follow-ups and Responses: The emails maintain a conversational and friendly tone, especially when scheduling the meeting.
    • Why It’s Effective: A friendly and approachable tone encourages a positive response and makes the recipient more comfortable engaging in the conversation. It humanizes the interaction and builds a connection.
  5. Clear and Direct Calls to Action:
    • Quick Questions and Call Requests: Each email includes a clear call to action, whether it’s asking a quick question, proposing a call, or confirming availability for a meeting.
    • Why It’s Effective: Clear and direct calls to action make it easy for the recipient to respond and know what the next steps are. It reduces friction and increases the likelihood of engagement.

By following these scripts and breakdowns, you can craft personalized cold emails that capture attention, build trust, and drive engagement.

Why Personalizing Emails Is Important

businesswoman with e-mail marketing icons

Personalization in cold emails is critical because it directly impacts your engagement rates. When you tailor your message to the recipient, you show that you’ve put in the effort to understand them, making your email more likely to be opened and responded to.

Key Reasons for Personalization:

  1. Standing Out: In a sea of generic emails, a personalized message catches the recipient's eye.
  2. Building Trust: Personalized emails demonstrate that you value the recipient's time and interests, which builds trust and credibility.
  3. Improved Engagement: Personalized content is more relevant, leading to higher engagement rates.

Impact on Open and Reply Rates:

Personalized emails significantly outperform generic ones in terms of open and reply rates. Here are some key statistics to illustrate the impact:

  • Emails with personalized subject lines have 26% higher open rates (Hunter.io). This is important because when people realize an email is specifically for them and not a thousand others, the data shows that they're more receptive to your offer.
  • Including the recipient’s name or company in the subject line can increase open rates by 22%. (Yesware)
  • Personalized emails can increase reply rates by up to 142% (PopupSmart).

Why These Stats Matter:

  • Higher Open Rates: Personalized subject lines can make your email 26% more likely to be opened. This means your message reaches more people.
  • Increased Reply Rates: Including multiple personalization fields can boost reply rates by up to 142%. This leads to more conversations and potential conversions.

Personalizing your cold emails is not just a trend—it's a necessity. By incorporating these personalized outreach elements, you can significantly improve your open and reply rates, build stronger relationships, and ultimately achieve better results in your cold email campaigns and outreach campaigns.

1. Defining Your Ideal Client Profile for Personalization

Hand drawn remote recruitment illustration

To craft personalized cold emails that truly resonate, it's essential to understand your audience. This starts with defining your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). An ICP is a detailed description of the type of customer who would benefit the most from your product or service and is likely to become a loyal customer. Here's how to define and understand your ICP:

Steps to Define Your ICP:

  1. Analyze Your Best Customers:
    • Gather a list of 5-10 companies that fit your target customer profile. These could be companies you've worked with in the past (who generates the most revenue and has the longest tenure?), competitors of your ideal clients, or companies you admire in your industry.
    • Identify common characteristics such as industry, company size, job title, and geographic location.
    • Example: If you're targeting fitness influencers, you may create a targeted list of 5 popular health and wellness sites that match your criteria as "ideal clients". On a platform like ListKit, you can paste these websites into the Company Search to get hundreds of lookalike companies for outreach.
ListKit Company Search
ListKit Company Search
Lead data visualization
Lead data visualization
  1. Identify Pain Points and Needs:
    • Understand the specific challenges and needs of your best customers.
    • If your top customers are struggling with lead generation, this pain point should be addressed in your cold emails. Some examples:
      • "As a dentist, you don't care about traffic, booked calls, or even "conversions". You care about more patients walking into your clinic."
      • "I noticed a few things on your website that might be affecting your patient bookings."
      • "I was searching for top dentist offices in Tampa and came across your website."
  2. Demographic Information:
    • Gather demographic information like age, gender, education level, and income.
    • If you’re targeting senior-level marketing professionals, knowing their average age and education level can help tailor your message.
  3. Behavioral Traits:
    • Look at how your best customers behave, including their buying patterns and decision-making processes.
    • If your customers typically conduct extensive research before making a purchase, provide detailed information and case studies in your emails.

Tools for Improved Personalization for Your Cold Emails at-scale

1. ListKit

Leveraging Data for Personalization: To personalize cold emails effectively, leveraging accurate and detailed data is crucial. Tools like ListKit provide specific data points that can be used as placeholders in your emails to create a personalized touch.

  • Verified Data: ListKit provides triple-verified data, ensuring the contact information is accurate and reliable.
  • Key Data Points: Includes first name, last name, location, company position, website, and company name.
  • Strategic Use: Allows for strategic use of this data in email placeholders, making each email feel unique.

2. Smartlead

  • Integration: Smartlead integrates seamlessly with ListKit so you can upload lead lists easily to your Smartlead dashboard.
  • Dynamic Insertion: Enhances personalization by dynamically inserting recipient-specific information into the subject line and email body.
    • Example: If ListKit provides data on the recipient's company position, Smartlead can insert this into the email, making it more personalized.

3. Quicklines.ai - personalized cold emails at scale

This can fall under hyper-personalized cold emails, which we'll talk about more in the next section.

  • Personalized One-Liners: AI adds a personalized one-liner based on the company descriptions in a spreadsheet, which you can then add as a separate column and add as a placeholder on Smartlead, providing an extra layer of personalization.
  • Extra Personal Touch: Ideal for adding an extra personal touch to your emails, especially when the main offer isn't strong enough.
    • Example: "I noticed Acme Corp has been expanding its services. That’s impressive! Here’s how we can help you scale even further."

By using these tools, you can significantly enhance the personalization of your cold emails, making them more relevant and engaging for your recipients.

Implementing Hyper-Personalization

Cold email hyper-personalization involves tailoring your outreach emails to individual recipients in a way that makes them feel personally addressed, understood, and valued.

This strategy goes beyond basic personalization tactics like using the recipient's name; it includes deep customization based on specific details about the person, their company, or their industry. Here are the key components of cold email hyper-personalization:

  1. Research and Data Collection:
    • Personal Details: Include personal tidbits such as the recipient’s hobbies, interests, or recent accomplishments.
    • Company Insights: Reference recent news, achievements, or challenges related to their company.
    • Industry Trends: Mention current trends or challenges in the recipient's industry that are relevant to your offer.
  2. Custom Messaging:
    • Personalized Subject Lines: Create subject lines that are directly relevant to the recipient’s interests or pain points.
    • Tailored Content: Customize the email body to address the recipient’s specific needs, pain points, or goals.
    • Relevant Case Studies: Share success stories or case studies from similar companies or individuals in their industry.
  3. Behavioral Triggers:
    • Engagement-Based: Use data on how the recipient has interacted with your previous emails, website, or social media.
    • Timing: Send emails at optimal times based on the recipient’s time zone and typical behavior patterns.
  4. Dynamic Content:
    • Variable Fields: Use dynamic fields to insert personalized content based on the recipient’s profile.
    • Custom Images and Videos: Incorporate personalized visuals, like a video greeting that mentions the recipient by name.
  5. Technology and Tools:
    • CRM Integration: Utilize CRM data to pull in relevant information about the recipient.
    • AI and Machine Learning: Leverage AI tools to analyze data and suggest personalized content.
    • Email Marketing Platforms: Use platforms that support advanced personalization features.


Instead of a generic email like:

Hi [First Name],

We offer top-notch SEO services that can help your business grow. Let’s schedule a call to discuss.

A hyper-personalized email would be:

Hi Sarah,

I noticed your recent LinkedIn post about your company’s expansion into the healthcare sector. Congratulations on that milestone! We’ve helped companies like [Similar Company] boost their organic traffic in the healthcare niche by 30% increase within six months and think we can do the same for you. I’d love to share some insights on how we can help [Recipient’s Company].

Are you available for a quick call next week?

Hyper-personalization aims to make the recipient feel like the email was crafted just for them, increasing the likelihood of engagement and response.

Personalized Cold Email Templates

Creating effective personalized email templates write personalized cold emails is key to making a lasting impression and driving engagement. Here, we break down two templates from the Script Swipes MASTER FILE and provide pro tips to ensure your cold emails hit the mark.

Template 1: Personalized Sales Outreach

Subject: [First Name], Let’s Talk About [Recipient’s Company]

Hi [First Name],

I noticed that [Recipient’s Company] recently [specific achievement or event]. Congratulations!

At [Your Company], we specialize in helping companies like yours [specific benefit related to their achievement]. I’d love to show you how we can help [Recipient’s Company] achieve even more.

Best regards,
[Your Name]


  • Subject Line: Uses the recipient’s first name and company to grab attention.
    • Example: "John, Let’s Talk About Acme Corp’s Recent Award"
  • Introduction: Acknowledges a recent achievement to show you've done your research.
    • Example: "I noticed that Acme Corp recently won the Best Startup award. Congratulations!"
  • Value Proposition: Clearly states how your company can provide a specific benefit.
    • Example: "At XYZ Solutions, we specialize in enhancing customer retention rates for award-winning companies like yours."
  • Call to Action: Invites further discussion in a friendly manner.
    • Example: "I’d love to show you how we can help Acme Corp achieve even more. Can we schedule a quick call?"

Template 2: Personalized Follow-Up

Subject: Following Up on [Topic Discussed]

Hi [First Name],

I wanted to follow up on our conversation about [specific topic]. I think [specific solution or benefit] could really help [Recipient’s Company] with [specific pain point].

Let me know if you’re available for a quick call to discuss this further.

[Your Name]


  • Subject Line: References a previous interaction to create continuity.
    • Example: "Following Up on Our Discussion About SEO Strategies"
  • Introduction: Recaps the previous discussion to jog the recipient's memory.
    • Example: "I wanted to follow up on our conversation about improving Acme Corp's SEO."
  • Value Proposition: Suggests a solution or benefit tailored to their pain point.
    • Example: "I think our advanced SEO tools could really help Acme Corp boost its search rankings and drive more traffic."
  • Call to Action: Requests a quick call to further the conversation.
    • Example: "Let me know if you’re available for a quick call to discuss this further."

Pro Tips for Crafting Personalized Cold Emails

Do Your Homework

Research Your Recipient Thoroughly

  • Use LinkedIn: Look at their job title, recent posts, and mutual connections.
  • Company Websites: Check their latest news, achievements, and products.
  • Social Media: Gather insights on their interests and activities.

Example: If you see they recently launched a new product, mention it in your email.

Be Specific

Use Specific Details

  • Address by Name: Always start with their first name.
  • Mention Their Company: Reference a recent achievement or project.

Example: "Hi Jane, I noticed that ABC Corp recently won the 'Best Startup' award. Congratulations!"

Keep It Short and Sweet

Concise and To the Point

  • Avoid Fluff: Stick to relevant information.
  • Short Paragraphs: Break up your content to make it more readable.

Example: "I have a quick tip to help ABC Corp enhance its social media presence."

Use a Friendly Tone

Casual Conversation Style

  • Build Rapport: Write as if you’re chatting with a colleague.
  • Personal Touch: Makes the email feel more personal and engaging.

Example: "Hope you're having a great week! I wanted to share a quick idea that could help with your recent project."

Include a Clear Call to Action

Direct and Clear

  • Schedule a Call: Make it easy for them to respond.
  • Ask a Question: Engage them with a specific query.

Example: "Can we schedule a quick call to discuss this further? How does Thursday at 10 AM sound?"

Test and Iterate

Continuously Improve

  • A/B Testing: Try different subject lines and email bodies.
  • Analyze Results: Look at open rates, response rates, and conversions.
  • Refine Your Approach: Adjust based on what works best.

Example: Test emails with different opening lines to see which gets the best response.

By following these pro tips, you can craft personalized cold emails personalized videos that not only capture attention but also drive engagement and responses.

FAQ Section: Common Questions About Cold Email Personalization

1. What is cold email personalization?

Cold email personalization involves customizing your email content to make it relevant and engaging for each recipient. This includes using specific details about the recipient, such as their name, company, and recent activities, to tailor the message.

2. Why is personalization important in cold emails?

Personalization is crucial because it increases the likelihood of your emails being opened and read. Personalized emails show that you’ve taken the time to understand the recipient’s needs and interests, which builds trust and improves engagement rates.

3. How can I gather data for email personalization?

You can gather data for email personalization through various sources such as LinkedIn, company websites, social media profiles, and tools like ListKit. These sources provide valuable information like names, job titles, company details, and recent activities.

4. What tools can help with email personalization?

Several tools can enhance your email personalization efforts:

  • ListKit: Provides detailed, triple-verified lead data.
  • Smartlead: Integrates with ListKit to dynamically insert recipient-specific information.
  • Quicklines.ai: Adds personalized one-liners based on company descriptions.

5. What is hyper-personalization?

Hyper-personalization goes beyond basic personalization by using advanced data analytics and AI to tailor emails based on recipient behavior, preferences, and past interactions. This makes the emails highly relevant to the recipient’s current needs and interests.

6. How can I ensure my emails comply with GDPR and CCPA?

To comply with GDPR and CCPA, make sure you:

  • Obtain explicit consent from recipients before sending emails.
  • Provide an easy way for recipients to opt-out of future emails.
  • Clearly state your identity and purpose for collecting their data.
  • Securely store and manage personal data.

7. What are some best practices for writing personalized cold emails?

  • Research your recipients: Understand their needs, pain points, and interests.
  • Use specific details: Address recipients by their first name and mention their company.
  • Keep it concise: Make your emails short and to the point.
  • Use a friendly tone: Write as if you’re having a casual conversation.
  • Include a clear call to action: Make it easy for recipients to respond.

8. How do I measure the success of my personalized cold email campaigns?

Track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and reply rates. Tools like ListKit and Smartlead can provide insights into how recipients interact with your emails, helping you refine your approach for better results.

9. Can personalization improve my email deliverability?

Yes, personalization can improve email deliverability. Emails that are highly relevant hyper personalized emails and engaging are less likely to be marked as spam. Using verified data from tools like ListKit also ensures that your emails reach valid email addresses, further improving deliverability.

10. How often should I personalize my cold emails?

Always personalize your cold emails. Consistent personalization hyper personalized cold emails ensures that your emails are relevant and engaging, which increases the chances of a positive response. By using tools like ListKit and Smartlead, you can efficiently personalize emails at scale.

How ListKit Can Improve Your Personalization Efforts

Personalizing cold emails effectively requires the right tools and data. ListKit is designed to provide you with high-quality, detailed information that can significantly enhance your email personalization efforts.


Here’s how ListKit can help:

  1. Triple-Verified Leads: ListKit offers a database of triple-verified leads. This means every email address and phone number is verified three times, ensuring accuracy and reducing the risk of bounce rates. With verified leads, your emails are more likely to reach the intended recipients, increasing the chances of engagement.
  1. Detailed Lead Information: ListKit provides comprehensive data on each lead, including:
    • First Name and Last Name: Personalize your greetings.
    • Location: Tailor your message based on geographic relevance.
    • Company Name and Position: Customize your email content to reflect the recipient’s role and company.
    • Website: Reference specific details about the company to show you’ve done your homework.
  1. Seamless Integration with Sending Tools: ListKit integrates smoothly with various email-sending tools, allowing for seamless contact management. This integration ensures that you can easily transfer the detailed data from ListKit into your email platform, making the personalization process efficient and streamlined.
  2. Data Analytics and Insights: ListKit doesn’t just provide data; it also offers analytics and insights into your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). Understanding your ICP helps you to tailor your messages more effectively and target the right audience with precision.
  3. Credit-Based Pricing Model: ListKit operates on a flexible, credit-based pricing model. You only pay for the verified contacts you need, and credits roll over, ensuring cost efficiency. This model allows you to scale your outreach efforts without worrying about wasted resources.

For Example; Imagine you’re targeting marketing agencies. With ListKit, through email service providers you can gather detailed information about the decision-makers in these agencies. By integrating this data into your email templates, you can create highly personalized messages that address specific pain points and offer tailored solutions, making your outreach more effective.

Key Takeaways

  1. Personalization is Crucial: Personalizing your cold emails significantly increases open and reply rates, making your outreach more effective.
  2. Leverage Detailed Data: Using specific information like the recipient's name, company, and position makes your emails more relevant and engaging.
  3. Advanced Tools: Tools like ListKit, Smartlead, and Quicklines.ai provide the necessary data and features to enhance your personalization efforts.
  4. Best Practices: Research your recipients, use specific details, keep emails concise, and always include a clear call to action.
  5. Hyper-Personalization: Going beyond basic personalization by using advanced data analytics and AI to tailor emails to recipient behavior and preferences can drive even better results.

Personalizing cold emails is not just a trend but a necessary strategy for effective email outreach. By leveraging the right tools and techniques, such as those provided by ListKit, you can take personalized cold email examples and create highly personalized emails that stand out, engage recipients, and drive better results. Implement these learnings to improve your email campaigns and achieve your outreach goals.

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